<br />I . I'luniNrig Perl-11its
<br />A, Tlu�.° cluurfgw shW1 be Hve doHam ($5) fc)r c�ach pluinhing Fixture, device or conawction, (()
<br />the sewvr cw Idunling systcm, w0h a AnAwn charge of fi-xily i,,R,)11ws and zmv Ms
<br />(f 40)
<br />R. FOT any Wuhm, repair or =WK(m to an Wfing ph-unbing sysleni, wl,iere the Nvork
<br />lS of Such a inature, thal the pennit Cce charge cannot be dournined War fie abovic
<br />schedule, the pcmiit We shall be Rnly doflnrs ($40) first fiv,editindred dollars ($50C1) or
<br />fhai,otion thereof, jAus �Rheen MWis (S15) A- each iukhOonY nvahtmdrm! thdhw,,r
<br />($500) to Ackm dhwvof of wire LoW morkei A= of such alunidion, rupWr or
<br />ewnshn.
<br />The chnge RK c.oiyuyiercial, i.ndustrial or instflufional plunibing shall be.
<br />'rwo (29X) of the Wl cost ollabor and unuWAS or a inArnuni of SM
<br />Michover is greater.
<br />W,,�rk couu'rienced without first rmllrtrrurnrt a pknrrnit shMI be charged an investigative 1"ce equ,"11 to
<br />11el-Mit A-XS,
<br />2, Medimical Permits
<br />IS chuge IT a ri,sjdcntial d%,,vdlhg WH be rwwAy dollar s x�aid zero cenk (S20) f6l-
<br />cadiof the not to exceed $141 AnAnAwnewleorkoydoW,
<br />and zero cents (S4j
<br />M—Main Gas line Pilang
<br />* Gras Furmace
<br />a Alr wit(Akionler
<br />a R(WICT
<br />M, A ir Exchanger
<br />0 Gicis Fireplace/Gas I (Install kin re,,t,Ldar fireplaw)
<br />* Gas Boder
<br />IN Cas Dryer
<br />* Gas Slove,Range
<br />* Woi,)d Firepla,ce
<br />* Ruct Work
<br />* Mi see] I Mechanical Fixrures
<br />* (Jus.J."olol Reuter.
<br />* Ca,,, Wall lleater,'Cwara� �e I leater
<br />"I"he charge f6ir c(�:)uurterciod, indvistrkA or irna�44utif,,ma1 bu-&Eng shall be-,
<br />Ulgo 15 of 2
<br />