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Fmq) penXIM (250) of the tmal cost of Wbor and niateb"Ifis Ofthe he"'Iting, ven'tilation <br />,,md air cotielifior6ng work lo be conaMeled or a adnOwn of $40 whichever is� grumr. <br />Worn - con ,minienced MOW Ot WAning aymnit sfiAl be cliarged an I`cv <br />equal U) pennit k,addition to nornia-I peraiit f'&Os, <br />Sprinkler/Fire Supijiressioini sysw.irii 1wniiiius,: <br />Singlc Funnily, [,'kil, lair, S400 <br />Fire Supprossio.,wo, Peri).iJ04hi.hinim S75 <br />Sher spHilleeftre SLIPPTeSSi1k4I J)ernii(s, All Fire Coidc i'dated Coliti-act Cosl(A., <br />sp,6'nHerIlre supj)ression system Am (Inchides plan revkmw by Budding C)ifilcinand Firc <br />Department), <br />MI of the A= r,,,,,,, we to Slate ofNI s�,trchavge l"ces. <br />Page 16 od 22 <br />