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JA1111111, 1E <br />LANDFILI, (-;RAIDIN("� AND EXCAVATING' <br />(3eneral. Fees shnU be assemed in a,icvordarwe vvith the provimms of this; section or shall be aas set <br />Wrth in the We schedule adopted the'jurisdiction, <br />Plan Review Fees. W[icn a plan or odwr dwa axe mquied to be MUM, a l9an Wexv fie AM be <br />paid al the We of subudiNg phins and specific"ation's ftw rcviekv. Said ji[an revieAv fee sh"I'll be sel <br />TA On Me AWA. ApmuLe"plan review Tes shil app]y to retairmn.g ,As or iriiijor drainage <br />ForexcaMon and I'Mon thesmriesacs, the feeshffl he <br />haseA on dw vicAnine ol`cxcavatio�n or fill,'whichever is greater, <br />Gwrading Permit Fees. A fex'.� for ezu."JI J"'�rading U)e-rmit Add be p0d W the CHI as so Ad in We <br />A33-13. SCI)aTate l°)ernijts arid fecs sl'iafl apply to rctailning walls or 111"kJor drairuque Structures a's <br />requied Osewlwre W As code. '"I'here s1iidl. be rw sepume ehmge fi.,jr stand,ud terrace d rains, and <br />An% theilhies. <br />I'AFC BLE, A33-A kyj,EA FEE <br />50 cubk,,, yards (38.2 rn3) (,,)r less IW Fee <br />51 to 100 wbic yards (40 W to 76.5 m3)i $37w01 <br />IM to, 1,000 clubic yards (77.2.m3 tag '764.6 m3) W28 <br />1 $0 1 to 1QOOO cubic yards (765.3 rtA to 7645.5 m3) $7157 <br />J%0M to 1001MO whic yards 17646-', lo 7645,5 m31 - S'77-57 fi.)r the first <br />I QOOO cubic yeirds (76455 AQ Mus SW59 Ar eadi AhUmial <br />1 10,0010 cubicyards (7645.5 m3) or fi-aefion ther-cof, <br />10QW)l to 20§000 culdc yaMs (7645,6 rn3 to I 5,29,IJ m3)-, t[it, <br />AM I 0QM00 cubic, yards (7()45.5 im3): fflus $20.87 l'or each a(ldifional <br />10§00 Mc yaWs 1764&5 m3) car f0dion thumof <br />200101 Me yaMs (15,291,2 ni.31 or more - S6'3355 f6r the first 200,000 cubic <br />ymAs (I 59L I nip, pWs $1 L42 Cm as addilio-nal 10,0100 CUbw yeaTs <br />(76455 n'0) or fraction thereof <br />Oflier Fees: <br />AWNS plan rcvicw.rectuired by o1ianges, additions or rcvisions to <br />approved pbans (irn-nirriurn charge -- onc-hulfhour) S79,54/1acwr* <br />MY the intal houry cm to the jurisdicticm, Nvhbhcvcr is th,c grcatcst. This cost Aiall inchidc <br />gnpundsix; miNhead, ejjnnem, houdy"wages and hinge beubts oftbe enil')loyees <br />Pagu 20 M 22 <br />