<br />0 ki 100 ctA,)iC yards (44) vn3 to 76.5 il'0) $ 6 0 00
<br />101 U) 1100 Me yaAs (712 W to 761b ml) - S(A)A)(), for the:first J 00 callo yards
<br />(76.5 m3), W S2 706 fbr cmh Mdonal 100 cubic YaTCIS, (76in'3) or ffiir°;iion thier-col'.
<br />I YD Ito I QOOOcuWcyads(7653 in 3 1 o Q415 iu3)- $30&04 Kw the Hml I MOO WeyW
<br />1'7614.6 m3), plus $2Z84 Rv wwh allihoml I JW0 Me pids 1'764.6 W) or frackmi 1hereof',
<br />I QW1 to I (X);H)O euNc yards (7A463 W to 7A455 m3) $5 13,(50 for the first 10,0010 cubic
<br />yards (16415 W I phs S 10195 ky mch additif,)mal 10,000 cuNc ,yards (7,(45.5 ixi,3) or
<br />liartion thereof",
<br />I 0(11,I),01 cubic yards (1645AM) OTA11017C - S1 ,449.1 5 f6i, I'lic first 101000, cullic "Irds
<br />(7$450 int, Nus $57A9 R each RIMY 10,000 cubic yards 1(7,1645.5 m3) or fraction
<br />diercof'.
<br />0her Insnectilons aind Fees:
<br />oulside olf normial busirw8s M004wxtr
<br />(N4irl, CTAtrrgc, , tw()
<br />2. Rdnsplection tees assv,,se-duvjdcr 1.)rovis�on (.4'§ 108, 8 S70JXVhVLW
<br />.3. Ins"plections fbr Nki'dch no Vie as spocifically mckated S71(J.00/ hour
<br />(Mim Charge - ono-fialf hi-,)iur)
<br />*Tlu,; fa,,e 16u a itng pennit authortAng adtdcuvial wol-k k) thM Undcr a valki pennit ATI he Te
<br />, ,
<br />w nbrunce benveen die The laid Rw the or gin perall and tho fcc slit,,xn fbi, the r.�jitirc 1,-,)roject,
<br />**C)r the total 110K1 COSI, W the jAWASon, m4lichev'c,r i's tlw p ,rea(est, Thk cost s(. aH inchide,
<br />supervision, ovefhead, equipment, Vic) ud y-m ages and hinge benAls ot"thc empk)yves inv(,dyed.
<br />INge 2 1 of 22
<br />