<br />,8noka Minmesota
<br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN M4 on Detwrnber 13, 2023, (Jrdinanec #134, Sw)nd Series,
<br />Wed ON URDINANCE ADOPFING A FEE SCMEDULE FOR 2021F4vas adopted by hae Cij,
<br />MUM of Che Otly of
<br />NOTIC'F], IS FLill CKII Kit (AIN" EN thaQ because of the lengthy naturo of Ordiiiance 4134, Second
<br />Scries the City Council has dircctcd that a title and surrunary tx, prepared for pt blication. pursuant to
<br />Mfiw, StaL 4: 2, 1.91, Subd �4.
<br />WFICE IS ITTURTFUER GIVEN Hutt a cornplctc, prinwd copy of Ordinance 91,34, Second
<br />Serie,s, is available for inspection. by any persmi Wig reguhr Mcce, hoursat the office ofthe it Clerk,
<br />1880 Mani Sow, Centeiiille, MN, or vin be Med [oanyone requesfing it by telqihone (1651l) 429-
<br />3232.
<br />N()TIC','E IS FURTHER GWEN that the genenal purpose of Hie ordhance is U) adop fees and
<br />C'11"a'l-ges for various Purposes,
<br />�5#qisal,
<br />'Els seaicbn adopts kcs and cliarges including fees)-c-lated to garbage/utility aocc),unl cetlificadmi.,
<br />utility rates and hurning pen,nitq fbes for use M'rigbt-ol-ways anid excw,ations
<br />in stred-9, fe&s f6r Wntss heenMug, Tes mid dapoxim Mated buHdhg activitics, fccs for sign picrinims,
<br />development fbes including fecs in lice of parr dedicafions, planning and zoning fees, rind fees fbr
<br />serviem, includin),,,, suppkying copies and n-u,,,q,)s,, µwd f� e.s t6r vacation O'stred's :ind easm-nems.
<br />Us section auhhnizws thds sarrvriary of fljic vrdinariw, be puMishedAn lieu of the er da! tart of dke
<br />ordomm
<br />Seetk1IR-A..
<br />'His se do raivides that the (,)rdinance is eff'ective on ptib] ication ofthis suannary.
<br />NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the My Quawil has Iva st ai 4/5 votc, ,,ipprc1ved flik;
<br />Pumic Notice,
<br />MP RXYV ED We 13 th day of Decernber, M 23,
<br />Published in the (,?uad (,,.onvTjunity Press on January 2, 20124
<br />Page 22 uf 22
<br />