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Res. #24-009 - Resolution Accepting the CSAH54 (20th Avenue) Corridor Study and Declaring a Need for the Street Easement for the Realignment of Fairview Street
City Council
Res. #24-009 - Resolution Accepting the CSAH54 (20th Avenue) Corridor Study and Declaring a Need for the Street Easement for the Realignment of Fairview Street
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/18/2024 9:01:37 AM
Creation date
6/18/2024 8:59:59 AM
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solely responsible for maintaining this public easement area. The City shall vacate this easement <br />to the landowner in the circumstances stated below. <br />i. This easement shall be deemed abandoned on June 1, 2024, unless a corridor <br />study conducted by the City or County deems the realignment of Fairview <br />Street is necessary. <br />ii. This easement shall be deemed abandoned on June 1, 2032, unless public <br />improvements for the realignment of Fairview Street are installed on or before <br />June 1, 2032. <br />J. Maintenance Agreement. City acknowledges and agrees that the Owner shall be <br />permitted to locate certain private utilities and improvements within easement areas pursuant to <br />recorded easements or within public rights of way which easement areas contain public utilities on <br />the Property, provided the Parties enter into a recordable document on terms mutually agreeable <br />to the Parties governing Owner's maintenance of and location of such to -be constructed private <br />improvements or utilities and provide that such private utilities or improvements do not interfere <br />or adversely affect the public utilities located therein. This Agreement shall include, but is not <br />limited to, a declaration by the City that it shall perpetually maintain the lift station on the <br />southwest corner of the Plat_ The Agreement shall be reduced to writing and recorded prior to the <br />issuance of a certificate of occupancy, or at such time as extended by the City Engineer. <br />27. NOTICES. Required notices to the Owner shall be in writing, and shall be either <br />hand delivered to the Owner, its employees, or agents, or mailed to the Owner by certified mail at <br />the following address: <br /> Services, LLC <br />410 Terry Ave. N, <br />Seattle, WA 98109-5210 <br />(206) 266-1000 <br />DEVELOPMENT & SUBDMSION AGREEMENT <br />CENTERVILLE AND AMAWN.COM <br />Approved 06/08/202Z v2 Page 21 <br />
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