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Res. #24-009 - Resolution Accepting the CSAH54 (20th Avenue) Corridor Study and Declaring a Need for the Street Easement for the Realignment of Fairview Street
City Council
Res. #24-009 - Resolution Accepting the CSAH54 (20th Avenue) Corridor Study and Declaring a Need for the Street Easement for the Realignment of Fairview Street
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Last modified
6/18/2024 9:01:37 AM
Creation date
6/18/2024 8:59:59 AM
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through the third Saturday of October the nighttime hours shall be 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 am., and all <br />other times of year nighttime hours shall be from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 am. <br />G. Anoka County and the City of Centerville find that the traffic -intense development <br />of this site make it important to examine the 20th Avenue (CSAH 54 Corridor) through the City. <br />The study of this corridor and the implementation of the study's conclusions will undoubtedly take <br />many years. Given the uncertainty of what, the study will conclude regarding the intersection at <br />Fairview Street and 20th Avenue, and when any improvements here will be constructed, Owner <br />may move forward with their site plan as submitted. However, the Owner shall cooperate with the <br />City of Centerville and Anoka County at such time that the two agencies may wish to improve the <br />intersection of Fairview and 20th Avenue. This condition does not preclude the County and/or City <br />from the need to follow standard, legal procedures for property acquisition, special assessments, <br />or other such actions. The City and Owner endeavor to design such improvements, if necessary, <br />with minimal impacts to the operational needs of the site user. <br />H. Torrens Registration. As a condition of Plat approval, Owner shall either deed the <br />sole Torrens parcel within the flat to Anoka County, or alternatively, obtain Torrens certification <br />for all parcels within. the Plat. The Torrens registration, if any, shall commence within six months <br />from the effective date of this Agreement; and Owner shall conform the Plat once Torrens <br />certification has been obtained for all parcels in the Plat. Owner may request the City Attorney to <br />perform the Torrens registration, if any. <br />1. Fairview Easement. Owner to grant a permanent public easement to the City for <br />intersection improvements at Fairview Street and 20th Avenue. This easement area and purpose <br />shall be reduced to a recordable document as reasonably approved by City Engineer. The City is <br />DEVELOPMENT & SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT <br />CENTERVILLE AND AMAZON.COM <br />Approved 0610812022 v2 Page 20 <br />
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