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2024-12-03 P & Z Packet
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2024-12-03 P & Z Packet
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12/2/2024 8:03:38 AM
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12/2/2024 8:03:34 AM
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th <br />one connection to the busy county road, making for efficient access, keeping 20 Avenue <br />free of unnecessary side-roads. <br />th <br />A trail is not shown along the west side of 20 Avenue. However, a wider, multi-use <br />th <br />trail already exists along the east side of 20 Avenue. The use of the east-side trail, <br />unfortunately, requires crossing the county road. A trail stubbed to the south may be a <br />good way for folks on the west side of county road to have a self-contained trail and <br />sidewalk loop linking Centerville and Lino Lakes without the need to cross. Some trail <br />rd <br />work would need to be done in Centerville to make this connection between 73 Street <br />th <br />and the proposed new development. The potential of a trail along the west side of 20 <br />rd <br />Avenue, north of 73 Street has been discussed in recent years as the Peltier Estates <br />development was examined. Further exploration of this idea should be a priority for both <br />cities. <br />East-West Connection to Future Development <br />It will be important for the east-west road which runs through the high density townhome <br />th <br />area to be constructed to dimensions which support a viable through route between 20 <br />Avenue and the future development area as shown in the map below. Without this route, <br />rd <br />traffic from the future development area will be likely to use Mill Road and 73 Street as <br />th <br />their primary in-and-out to 20 Avenue. <br />Parks <br />A park is shown in the southwests corner of the development with lakeshore access. <br />More information about the potential uses of this park should be gathered. If the park <br />were used for boat access, this may be a concern to existing lakeshore homeowners. <br />Utilities <br />It is staff’s understanding that the development will be served by Lino Lakes’ sewer and <br />water utilities. We do not anticipate any interconnection between the two cities’ utility <br />infrastructure as part of this development. <br />Conclusions and Recommendations <br />Staff offers the following comments for consideration by the Planning Commission to be <br />forwarded to the City of Lino Lakes: <br />th <br />1. A trail should be considered along the west side of 20 Avenue between the <br />southern border of Lino Lakes and the entrance road to the development. <br />2. The east-west road through the high density townhome area should be designed to <br />handle traffic from the future development area directly to the west. <br />3.Further information on the uses proposed for the lakeside park should be <br />provided. <br />4.It is assumed that Gordon Ave. North will connect to Mill Road, through the <br />undeveloped area, at some point in the future. A trail connection through that <br />area should be planned as well.It should be clarified what happens to Peltier <br />Lake Drive in the interim (i.e. will it be dead ended?). <br /> <br />
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