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Notably, there is a large piece of property adjacent to Centerville, to the southwest of this <br />development which is not part of this proposal. <br />Road and TrailConnectivity <br />One element of adjacent development often important to review is the connectivity of <br />road and trail networks. These facilities become part of the larger community where <br />residents of both cities expect continuity in their transportation and recreation routes. <br />Most residents using the roads and trails won’t know whether they are in Centerville or <br />Lino Lakes. The arrows below show potential trail and road connections, Mill Road on <br />th <br />the west and 20 Avenue on the east, respectively. <br />Mill Road <br />Although the development proposal is not immediately adjacent to Centerville at Mill <br />Road, it is important that both a road network and trail network be put in place, ready to <br />be bridged by the eventual development of the property in between. It appears that the <br />southern extension of Gordon Avenue Northwill offera logical through route for Mill <br />Road’s extension to the north. This route also appears to feature a trail or sidewalk along <br />the east side of the road. This works well with the existing sidewalk along Mill Road in <br />Centerville. <br />It is not clear whether or not Peltier Lake Drive will be severed as part of this <br />development or not. In other words, will northbound traffic on Mill Road, end up at a <br />dead end on Peltier Lake Drive. Again, it seems appropriate that eventually, Mill Road <br />would become Gordon Avenue North, but it is not clear what happens in theinterim. <br />th <br />20Avenue (CSAH 54) <br />th <br />The east portion of the development borders the existing right-of-way of 20 Avenue <br />(CSAH 54). This road connection is also important. The development plan shows just <br /> <br />