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CENTENNIAL LAKES POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />Police Governing Board <br />The Police Governing Board met on November 18 at CLPD headquarters in Circle Pines. Updates from <br />the Chief were given about improvements around the building, including a new gate to the parking lot, new <br />concrete near the front door and the creation of two additional parking spots. Chief Mork also reported that <br />the department is fully staffed with two officers nearing completion of their training. <br /> <br />Annual compensation adjustments for the Chief, and support staff were approved along with several union <br />agreements related to minor contract issues and health insurance. Dates for 2025 meetings were set, with <br />the next Police Governing Board meeting set for February 10, 2025. <br /> <br />ENGINEERING <br />TH <br />20 Avenue (CSAH 54) Corridor Study <br />Staff recently met with County Engineering staff to discuss the timing, funding and logistics for projects along <br />the corridor. County staff will be sending a draft of the schedule for the various projects along with cost share <br />estimates to the cities in the next month or two. <br /> <br />2025 Thin Overlay Project <br />The City Engineer and Public Works Director have been examining streets and working with the Finance <br />Director to scope a potential overlay project for 2025. The street fund has roughly $1 Million in available cash <br />to spend. An overlay project was last done in 2022. For the past 10 years or so, the city has been doing <br />bituminous (blacktop) overlays in lieu of seal coating. The overlays aim for a cycle of around 15 to 20 years, <br />where seal coating was on a 5-to-7-year rotation. In the end, the overall cost is roughly the same, but we <br />believe the results are better with the overlays. Homes along the route of the overlay project are generally <br />asked to contribute a small portion of the cost (usually about 20%), through special assessments. The <br />remaining costs come from the street fund which is supported by general levy taxes and franchise fees. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS <br />Solar on Public Buildings Grant <br />On this agenda is approval of the grant contract between the city and the <br />state of Minnesota. The agreement lays out the particulars of the grant <br />agreement and is the final step prior to beginning construction of the <br />project. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Retires <br />After 30+ years with the City of Centerville, Paul Palzer will be retiring <br />from his position as the Public Works Director and Building Official. <br />PaulÓs long career started when he was the only full-time employee of <br />the city and saw the advancement of much of the cityÓs development and <br />infrastructure. The high quality housing stock, roads, sewers, and water <br />we enjoy today have a lot to do with PaulÓs attention to detail and hard <br />work over the years. Thanks for your years of dedicated service, Paul. <br /> <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />Open Seat <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission will be accepted the resignation of one of its members earlier this <br />month, meaning that there is an opening on the board. Interested candidates should contact city hall for an <br />application or you can find one online at <br /> <br />Next Meeting <br />The next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission will be December 3. Agenda items include: 1. <br />a public hearing on the Table of Allowed Uses to discuss uses such as light manufacturing and other types <br /> <br />