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2025 THIN OVERLAY PROJECT <br />Introduction <br />PROJECT BACKGROUND <br />In 2013, Centerville's public works staff suggested moving to a new method of pavement <br />management for the City's streets. Having completed more intensive reconstructions or pavement <br />replacement projects on most city streets, the city's streets were now just in need of more routine <br />maintenance. Given some experience with prematurely failed seal coats and with new information <br />from the Minnesota Department of Transportation, it was decided to move to a program of thin <br />bituminous overlays, rather than traditional chip seal projects. This year's project would mark the 6th <br />year (2014-2017, 2022, 2025) of administering the Thin Overlay Program. <br />PROJECT FINANCING <br />The City Council has recovered portions of the project costs through special assessments in each of <br />the five previous years, with the remainder coming out of the city's Street Fund for the Thin Overlay <br />Program. Additionally, in 2016, the city began collecting franchise fees through private utilities <br />serving the community. These funds are intended for use in the street fund and Thin Overlay <br />Program. This report outlines the proposed project financing methods. <br />City of Centerville (� Page 2 <br />2025 Thin Overlay Project StanteC 193807381 <br />