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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br />events throughout the summer and obtained resident priorities for what they would like to see in their city. <br />She stated that she was unsure if council had received this information but items that scored high were a <br />community center, an art piece, a dog park, a disc golf course and pickleball courts just to name a few and <br />the committee is looking at all of the items that fit into the parks, considering budget constraints and <br />providing the amenities of small costs as their desire is to update the play structure at LaMotte Park which <br />would include inclusive equipment. She also stated that council may be unaware that the committee is <br />working on a park tree plan and is very aware that the community has lost a large amount of Ash trees and <br />looking at repopulating the trees in the parks. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that the committee <br />has an extremely knowledgeable member on this subcommittee. The subcommittee is considering <br />diversification, types, sizes, etc. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that park dedication fees would be <br />utilized for this plan. Council Member Kubat stated that he has been appointed as the committeeÓs liaison <br />and has not had an opportunity to attend a meeting yet but wanted to know if the committeeÓs <br />recommendation is to move forward with obtaining quotes as it was presented in September to the Council. <br />Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that she believed to make an educated decision her hope would be <br />that council would allow this item to move forward. She stated that she was wondering where it came <br />from that itÓs in question as it was already approved, and the mayor has made that clear. She also stated <br />that a large amount of work has gone into this item, what could go into CornerStone Park as it is a very <br />small park. She also stated that it is not a destination park, but it is extremely visible from the roadway. <br />She explained that she was unsure whether council has seen one of these trees as they are gorgeous and <br />with lighting it can be dressed up in the winter months. Council Member Kubat asked once the quotes are <br />received, council still has to approve the purchase and City Administrator Statz concurred. Administrator <br />Statz stated that felt that if the project was not something council wanted to support, the committee should <br />be told rather than continuing to go forward as are rather large amount of time has been spent so far. <br />Council Member Mosher stated that he would speak for the EDA board. He stated that when it came <br />before him his head turned around as he felt it was expensive, but after a while the EDA and Council <br />wanted a ÐwowÑ factor. He stated that the EDA/City has stated no to the entrance monuments as they <br />were very expensive and once hearing what the EDA is all about and the support of the tree, he switched <br />gears and said if we were going to do it, letÓs make it spectacular. But as a council member people will <br />be asking about the cost factor. He stated that he likes what it stands for, the city is not completing entrance <br />monument at this time, the tree would give a ÐwowÑ factor for 1/2 or 1/3 of the price of the entrance <br />monuments. He also stated that with the Main Street Market and ski show, trying to get people to the area <br />and this would assist that. He stated that some people will like it, and some will not; some will say the <br />money could be spent somewhere else. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that the funding would be <br />from Park Dedication fees. Council Member Mosher suggested that if the project was untaken then <br />information should be contained in the newsletter that the funds were from the Park Dedication fees. He <br />stated if it was going to be done then letÓs do it big and if costs a little extra that EDA may be able to <br />assist. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that the committee was asked for options and pricing for the <br />EDA and hoped that they would assist. Council Member Mosher stated that without the entrance <br />monuments having a ÐwowÑ factor is what made him look at the project with a different view. Chairperson <br />Errickson-Grahek invited the council to attend their meetings to obtain information on what they have <br />working on and stated that the committee is proud of the work that they accomplish, and all of the work <br />is based on the feedback received from citizens. She stated that the committee is focusing on the Ðbest <br />bang for the buckÑ. She stated that the committee was currently working on a proposal for a disc golf <br />course for LaMotte Park as it was an addition to the park that would make it much more user friendly for <br />all residents, along with pickleball courts as they are cost effective. She again reminded the council that <br />they could contact her or any member of the committee to discuss the progress of the committee or to <br />make suggestions. <br /> <br />Page 7 of 16 <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />