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2025-03-12 CC Packet
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2025-03-12 CC Packet
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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br />Mayor Golden thanked the Chair for her time and stated that because the whole community lost so much <br />with the Ash trees, could the city partner with a nursery or group purchasing if residents wanted to <br />purchase trees as this would be a benefit for so many. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that it was a <br />possibility, the committee would talk about it and attempt to lay out a plan for such a program. Council <br />Member Rios thanked the committee for their time and commitment associated with the decision around <br />a Fiore Tree. She asked what had inspired the committee about the tree or what makes it feel like it is the <br />thing for Centerville (e.g. placemaking) and what was the inspiration behind making the decision. Chair <br />Errickson-Grahek stated that there were several factors that led the committee: gardens need improvement <br />in CornerStone Park, continuation of the parkÓs beautification, the park being very visible, summer <br />event/location, it being a show piece and attractive along with something people would enjoy. She stated <br />that the park monument flower beds have been well received and are tended to by volunteers. She stated <br />that she no feel that as people have been very positive with the monument flower beds that people would <br />respond and differently with the installation of the tree. She did state that she understood the concern of <br />funding. Mayor Golden ask that the committee bring back quotes for startup and routine maintenance as <br />it would be helpful for planning purposes. <br /> <br />Mayor Golden thanked the Chair for all her assistance on this item. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz requested that Item #5 be addressed at this time as there were representatives of My <br />Solar Pod in the audience who wanted to address the item. <br /> <br />4. Brian Drive Storm Pond Project <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that this was an Ordinance to approve the rezoning with waiving the <br />requirement of the second reading and rezoning the property P-1 (Public). <br /> <br />5. Solar on Public Buildings Grant Î Suspension of Work Due to Federal Executive Order <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that before members was information regarding the solar grant and he gave <br />some background regarding obtaining a grant to install solar panels on the City Hall building which <br />includes the Fire Hall. He stated that the panels were designed to provide the amount of electricity that is <br />needed during the day, that there was no battery associated with the system and if there was excess power, <br />then the power goes into the grid with the intention that it will reduce our grid costs as there will be limited <br />electricity usage/costs. He stated that the grant is being made possible by the State of Minnesota for <br />approximately 60% of the cost of the project and the cityÓs cost initially was 10% of the total cost <br />($11,750). Administrator Statz reviewed the grant agreement stating that the grant was $70,500 with <br />$35,250 coming through as a federal tax credit and $11,750 being the cityÓs portion as matching funds. <br />He stated that the city was all set to go with a pre-construction meeting arranged for the following day and <br />two days ago the Presidential inauguration was, and he signed an Executive Order. He stated that <br />contained in the informational handout was an email to My Solar Pod, the vendor, regarding ÐUnleashing <br />American Energy Executive OrderÑ which contained the language ÐSection 4 says revocation and <br />revisions to certain presidential and regulatory actions, the following are revokedÑ. He stated that <br />President Trump is revoking the Executive Orders from President Biden and the order is dated September <br />12, 2022, which is the implementation of the energy infrastructure provisions of the Inflation Reduction <br />Act. He stated that this was an attempt to jump start the economy and complete some green energy type <br />work with federal tax credits to allow for installation of solar panels on buildings. He stated that the <br />program used to be available to taxpayers and then was extended to people who did not pay <br />taxes/government agencies/cities, etc. He explained that it allowed the city to take in 30% of the project <br />Page 8 of 16 <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />
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