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2025-03-12 CC Packet
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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br />cost with that tax credit. He stated that he had concerns as to whether those funds would still be available <br />to the city. He stated that Section 7 says Ðterminating the new green deal, all agencies shall immediately <br />pause the distribution of funds appropriated to the Inflation Reduction ActÑ. He also explained that these <br />credits are from the Inflation Reduction Act and that the government will be pausing payment on that and <br />that he did not know what that looks like long term. Administrator Statz stated that we entered into a <br />contract with My Solar Pod, they make purchases and complete work the city will owe them for that and <br />that it was his advice to pause the project and wait until everything gets sorted out to make sure that the <br />$35,250 as part of grant. He stated that the State funding is there and not a part of the Inflation Reduction <br />Act or federal funding as it only was the tax credits. <br /> <br />Mr. Mouli Vaidyanathan, My Solar Pod-President/CEO, introduced himself to council and provided <br />background of his company. He thanked the mayor and council for the opportunity to speak with them. <br />He stated that Mr. Ivan Starenko, My Solar Pod-Snior Engineer, was also present. He reviewed the <br />chronological events of the project stating that the project was kicked off in October of 2024 with the <br />Public Works Director, Mr. Palzer. He stated that several documents were submitted to the state to obtain <br />the grant, they received approval, signed the contract with the city, engineering has been completely <br />completed, obtained approval from Xcel Energy and have not invoiced a penny to the city. He stated that <br />My Solar Pod has purchase some essential equipment for the project, primarily because hedging on <br />inflation and they have given a fixed cost on the project so they cannot cancel the project ad hoc. He <br />stated that the equipment would generate 60,000 kw per year with roughly a $6,000 annual savings and <br />that this would increase as the cost of electricity was increasing roughly at around 7-8%. Mr. <br />Vaidyanathan stated that the tax credits have been there for the last 20 years with an extension to 2032 for <br />all tax paying entities and that the 2022 Act was to add non-taxpaying entities to have the ability to <br />participate in the program. He explained that the intent was that a city hall, school building, hospital or <br />church do not change hands often, unlike businesses. He also explained that it takes 5-6 years for payback <br />the intent was to go into these long-term buildings that will continuously still have electricity costs. Mr. <br />Vaidyanathan stated that if the city were going to pause the project, My Solar Pod would have to invoice <br />for the work that has been completed which is roughly $12,000 and they are unsure how long the pause <br />would be as it could be one month, 10 years or 100 years and he felt that it would not be an appropriate <br />legal way to sort this out as your counsel is present this evening, and he felt that an indefinite pause was <br />not contractual. <br /> <br />Council Member Kubat asked when the installation was scheduled to being under the current plan? Mr. <br />Vaidyanathan stated in a week or two. <br /> <br />Administrator Statz request the opportunity to follow up on several items and asked the question <br />contractually how long can the project be paused and that is an open questions; he stated that as the contract <br />is read, it certainly states that upon signing the agreement the City owes 10% of the project costs ($11,500) <br />and roughly comes out to the costs that they have incurred at this time and that may be an obligation that <br />the City has. He stated beyond that if the city were to cancel the project the city would be out $11,500 <br />and pausing the contract would entail discussions with the contractor to determine their willingness to do <br />that for a certain period of time such as a few months or weeks for these actions to play out a bit to ascertain <br />what is factual in the Executive Order would be beneficial. He stated that what he did not want to do is <br />see My Solar Pod purchase everything that needs to be purchased for the installation as he has not had an <br />opportunity to ascertain what has been purchased and what has not been purchased. He did not want them <br />to make purchases of tens of thousands of dollars. He stated that he was hopeful that things could be <br />worked out and allows the city to continue to move forward with the contract at the contracted price. He <br />stated that his recommendation was to pause the project and come back to the next meeting with additional <br />Page 9 of 16 <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />
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