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Page 3 Please do not place trash cans in the streets but rather at the end of your driveway. the law.Please remember not to deposit and/or plow snow across the roadways. It is against <br /> feel like it, but we s?ll have a lot of winter le?. Please do not remove the plow marker that are in place along the roads. It might not REMINDERS FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT <br /> holders, scrubbys, tote bags, microwave cozies and other fun things!)Aug. 21, Wolfs Den (kni?ed and crocheted items including, sweaters, blankets, plant hangers, dishcloths, pot cia, <br /> sweet rolls, english muffins, tor?llas, par baked pizza crusts, dog treats, pancake mix); July 17, 24, 31 & all event dates, Bakery Farina (sourdough baked goods made with simple ingredients <br /> (loaves, bagels, focac-ers to date: July 17 & Aug. 7, Maris Purple Dreams (handmade jewelry, room sprays & macrame hangings); Registered food trucks to date: Egg Roll Queen & Gray <br /> Duck Concessions for all events and ar?sans and cra?- ?cipa?on in two., each event is $25 with a minimum of par-h?ps:// register at this link: and <br /> if you are interested in becoming a vendor, Ar?sans, cra?ers and food trucks will be on site tary School parking lot. Centerville Road east of the Centerville Elemen-p.m. and takes <br /> place on 7:30 —5:30night and during Fete des Lacs. The market is July 17, 24, 31 & Aug. 7, 14 & 21, 2025. Opening MAIN STREET MARKET DATES ARE SET -h?ps:// <br /> North Metro TV was on site for the photo opportunity and a short segment. Watch here: Mr. Rehnke was presented a $50 check compliments of the Parks & Recrea?on commi?ee for winning <br /> the contest. keeping it in the family.They are ”). Clearopathra(“s winner Mrs. Erin Rehnke ’and last yearGrahek, -Golden, Parks & Recrea?on Chairperson Heidi ErricksonPicture to <br /> the le? includes Mayor Nancy ”. Blizzard Wizard“name contest for 2025 with the ” Name the Snowplow“the winner of the Mr. Dylan Rehnke is named PARKS & RECREATION h?ps:// <br />icAlerts.aspx?AID=214 on city roads:s website for a lis?ng of tonnages allowed ’All roadways are posted. Visit the city SPRING VEHICLE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS ARE IN EFFECT <br /> <br />