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2025, March Newsletter
City Council
2025, March Newsletter
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<br /> Page 4 you have ques?ons, you can contact Centennial Fire Department at: 651 no working smoke alarms.needed and put the alarm back up right away. About <br /> 3 out of 5 fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms or If you take an alarm down or remove the ba?ery due to chirping or a false alarm, be sure to replace the ba?ery if placed <br /> right away.replaceable ba?ery chirps, the alarm has reached the end of its life and needs to be re--When an alarm with a non and needs to be replaced right away.alarm takes a standard <br /> ba?ery. If chirping con?nues a?er you install a new ba?ery, the alarm is at the end of its life If an alarm makes a single chirp sound every 30 or 60 seconds, it means the ba?ery is <br /> low. Replace the ba?ery if your s warning of smoke or fire.’it –beep, beep, beep –. If an alarm makes 3 loud beeps beep or chirp What sounds do smoke alarms make and what do they <br /> mean? fire by nearly 50 Working smoke alarms reduce the chances of dying in a as li?le as 2 minutes to escape safely in the event of a home alarms in each of these loca?ons <br /> is important as you may have basement, remember to have one there, too. Maintaining sleeping area, and on every level of your home. If you have a you have smoke alarms in each sleeping <br /> room, outside each Take inventory as you go throughout your home, making sure ba?eries.replaceable -life, non-that some smoke alarms come with longthis day is an easy way to remember <br /> to do it annually. Note sure to change the ba?eries at least once each year. Choosing test bu?on. If your smoke alarms use standard ba?eries, be clocks, take another lap and test each <br /> smoke alarm using the Sunday, March 9. As you walk through your home to reset on Daylight Saving Time s ?me to move clocks forward for’It SMOKE ALARMS AND DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME See <br /> the story above.may have deposited with a bag for placement in a garbage receptacle. side of your yard, please remember to pick up the waste that your animal the animal is with, must <br /> be in control of the animal. While you are out-yard (e.g., a city park, on a street, sidewalk or trail). The owner or person Please remember that all animals must be leashed when <br /> outside of your WALKINGDOGS MUST BE LEASHED WHEN ….JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER There are dog waste sta?ons in the parks for your convenience. into streets and flow into our local lakes <br /> and streams. teria and phosphorus. When le? on the ground, pet waste can wash waste, even in small amounts, contain water pollutants like E. coli bac-Always pick up a?er your dog and <br /> put their waste in the trash. Pet YOUR DOGULTION! PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER -STOP WATER POO <br /> <br />
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