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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br /> <br />Administrator Statz asked if there was a firm that could be eliminated, and all Council Members concurred <br />that references were not needed for DDA (David Drown Associates). <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Rios, seconded by Council Member Mosher to Table the Item Until the <br />February 12, 2025, Work Session following its discussion. All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />3. Fiore Tree <br /> <br />Administrator Statz stated that this is a placemaking initiative that the Parks & Recreation Committee <br />headed up with placemaking being a Strategic Goal of City Council. He stated that the committee looked <br />at several options for placemaking at CornerStone Park. He explained that the park was designed to have <br />a center piece installed originally or at some point. He stated that the original plan from 2007 included a <br />fountain with a granite obelisk which may have been slightly out of hand. He stated that staff had always <br />wanted to circle back to this to have something placed in the middle. He again stated that a number of <br />different options were looked at (e.g. a bust of a prominent individual in the city, a veteran’s memorial, <br />etc.) and what was landed on was the Fiore Tree. He stated that the committee and EDA endorsed the <br />purchase and installation of the tree in an amount not to exceed $25,000. He explained that the tree is <br />more a sculpture/hanging basket, metal tree art piece. Administrator Statz stated that they are custom <br />made with various customization options (e.g. lights, audio, decorative carvings on the trunk of the tree, <br />etc.) or a mesh of sculpture and plants all at the same time. He stated that council approved of moving <br />forward with the project with a more detailed proposal and quote. He also stated that there is no contract <br />in place and council does have the option to keep this item moving forward or go in a different direction. <br />He stated that staff contained background information in the packet and Chairperson Errickson-Grahek is <br />here if you have questions for her. <br /> <br />Mayor Golden stated that in all transparency, she was the one that requested that the item be brought back <br />to Council. She stated that her reasoning was the price tag, and she felt that it was quite high hearing from <br />residents and that the city has lost a lot of natural trees due to the Emerald Ash Borer. She also stated that <br />as moving forward with a $25,000 investment up front, then hanging flowers on it and that she felt the <br />city would be limited on the flowers as to were we live due to the colder climate. She felt that when it has <br />flowers on it, it looks nice and when not, it is just a sculpture. She questioned the cost of an irrigation <br />system and stated that little maintenance does not mean no maintenance. She questioned whether it was <br />Council’s direction to continue due to loosing so many trees and potentially we have something that ended <br />up being recycled down the road and that is why she requested it to be placed on the agenda and hearing <br />from residents who wanted to see more trees being planted. She stated that even the parks are pretty sparse <br />on trees and a lot more ash trees are being removed. She provided Chairperson Errickson-Grahek an <br />opportunity to speak. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that it had been a long project for the <br />committee, that she has been in contact with a local firm and has arranged an onsite meeting for February <br />4, 2025. She stated that at that time she will be provided with pricing and options. She also stated that <br />when EDA stated that they wanted to consider assisting in the purchase or enhancements, the committee <br />felt that was wonderful. Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that at the current time, specific pricing <br />was not available. She stated that upon the visit, discussions will take place regarding lighting, seeing the <br />specific trees on site and their availability. She also stated that the tree was a recommendation of a city <br />Maintenance Technician as he was very invested in the parks and has worked very hard on the monument <br />gardens. She reported that the committee is no complete in the process and intend in bring pricing forward <br />prior to any purchase. Council Member Rios asked if any feedback was obtained from residents regarding <br />the tree and Chairperson Errickson-Grahek stated that at times that can be difficult, but she attended four <br />Page 6 of 16 <br /> <br /> <br />