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2025-01-22 WS & CC Meeting Minutes - (Approved)
City Council
2025-01-22 WS & CC Meeting Minutes - (Approved)
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City of Centerville <br />City Council Work Session & Meeting Minutes <br />January 22, 2025 <br />would be a commitment to backfill her position or something like it (e.g. another full-time staff member). <br />Mayor Golden stated that they could be looking at adding additional staff also. Council Member Kubat <br />asked when this would start and it was stated March-April. Administrator Statz stated exactly, as he would <br />remain at the city to complete the Planning & Zoning and Parks & Recreation packets. <br /> <br />Motion by Council Member Rios, seconded by Council Member Kubat, to Approve the Leadership <br />Transition Plan as Presented with the Addition of Leaning on Consultants (City Planner and <br />Engineer). <br /> <br />Parks & Recreation Committee Chairperson Heidi Errickson-Grahek requested to address Council. She <br />introduced herself and asked if the committee was included in the Leadership Transition Plan with regards <br />to Parks & Recreation Committee meetings being decreased as she had significant reservations about how <br />often they met as events and issues come quickly along with planning. She stated that there are times <br />when things are a bit slower and that would be when meetings are unnecessary. The Committee would <br />like to reserve the necessity of having a meeting to themselves. She stated that the City Clerk attends the <br />meetings, that there was a minute taker and that it should be the Committee’s choice as they need to be <br />responsive with the work that they complete. Administrator Statz stated that when there was an <br />opportunity to cancel a meeting, staff would do that. He stated that he did appreciate the Chair’s concern <br />and that it was a valid point. If there was an opportunity to cancel a meeting, that would free up the Clerk’s <br />time in preparing that packet and allow her to complete other tasks. Mayor Golden stated that EDA was <br />specifically mentioned. Administrator Statz re-read that portion of the memorandum and stated that he <br />thought it could be more specific as staff was targeting the Planning & Zoning Commission and the EDA <br />because Assistant Administrator Lewis is a bit more involved in those rather than the Parks & Recreation <br />packet. He stated that it will be all hands-on deck and if there was an opportunity that arose, it may <br />happen. He also stated that Chairperson Errickson-Grahek made a great point as they do have timely <br />events and summer was coming. Administrator Statz stated that he felt that staff was committed in having <br />as many meetings as needed, but staff would look for opportunities to cancel them if not needed. Mayor <br />Golden asked if the motion needed to be more specific in the plan as EDA is the only meeting mentioned. <br />Administrator Statz stated that it stated, “as needed” and he felt that it was appropriate. Council Member <br />Kubat stated that Council would hear from members if meetings were not held and there were needs. He <br />also stated that there would be discussion at those meetings prior to a meeting cancellation. <br /> <br />All in favor. Motion carried. <br /> <br />2. Executive Search Firm Proposals <br /> <br />Mayor Golden stated that she had concern on whether the group had enough discussion earlier at the Work <br />Session to decide this evening. Council Member Rios asked if the item could be tabled to an additional <br />Work Session. Mayor Golden stated that scheduling of a Work Session for the February 12, 2025 regular <br />meeting is on the Agenda as it would be one last Work Session opportunity while Administrator Statz was <br />still employed with the City. Council Member Kubat stated that he would prefer to either go entirely <br />internal or a full-blown search. He did state that he was aware that the discussion was not completed. <br />Mayor Golden stated that she believed that the discussion was not finished. <br /> <br />City Attorney Glaser asked if there was anything else Council wanted from staff or any other source. <br />Council Member Rios stated that she would like references of the search firms as they would be helpful <br />and good information to compare as the reference materials provided are not equal across the board for <br />all firms. <br />Page 5 of 16 <br /> <br /> <br />
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