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2006-11-08 CC Packet
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2006-11-08 CC Packet
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<br />addition of so many new businesses (and hopefully ads!) we could really use the extra space. I'll get <br />some preliminary pricing from the printer based on the quantity you mentioned and we can go from <br />there. <br /> <br />If we want to mail in January, I think we definitely need to get something out to the businesses right <br />away to start getting the updated listing information and get some ideas on who we have for <br />advertisers. The one thing we should also consider are the new businesses in Victor Marketplace <br />like Festival- are we going to approach them? <br /> <br />Let me know what your thoughts are and we can get things moving whenever you are ready. <br /> <br />In the past EDC opted to only advertise Centerville Businesses as it was a Centerville Business <br />Directory. They did however, grandfather businesses not in Centerville who had advertised prior to <br />changing the requirement to only include Centerville businesses. These are businesses such as Dairy <br />Queen, Embers, Lino State Bank, Down on the Farm, Jason's Bobby & Steve's Auto World, Hugo <br />Feed Mill, and home based businesses located on Centerville's boarders like LaMotte Drive. Ms. <br />Wilcox is asking if we want to consider businesses in Hugo, such as in Victor Marketplace. With <br />business expanding all around Centerville it might be beneficial to the residents to add these <br />businesses, but limit them to Hugo and Lino Lakes. We have had requests to add businesses in the <br />past from Forest Lake and White Bear Lake. The idea EDC was basing their decision on at the time <br />was to provide a service to residents, but promote primarily Centerville Businesses. <br /> <br />The Business Directory is sent out to all Centerville residents at approximately 1,400 residents. In <br />2005 the City ordered 1,700 copies and we currently have approximately 25 copies left. We would <br />probably order 1,800. The last printing was approximately $2,200 cost to the City after advertising. <br /> <br />Attached is a preliminary quote from Media Junction prefaced with the following: <br /> <br />Here is the preliminary quote - I had added another page to the inside, but if we can get everything <br />to fit without it, then our print costs will go down. So, let's see what we can do on that. I estimated <br />that we'd have $1,400 in ad revenue which is pretty comparable to what we've had in previous years, <br />but hopefully we can improve on that as welL And from a graphic design standpoint, the more that <br />you guys can do the more you can save - we'll just bill you for our actual time. <br /> <br />Also attached is financial information from Mr. John Meyer, Finance Directory showing $2,500 as a <br />line item under EDC for the Business Directory. <br /> <br />11 <br />
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