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<br />Additional Comments from Open Houses, Letters, E-mails <br />Members asked at the May 10 Council meeting to review a final document reflecting <br />comments from the public meetings. Following are general comments from the open <br />house meetings: <br />. Is there a process to this goal setting? <br />. With an increased tax base, why can't property taxes go down? <br />. How can you afford to increase stipends for committee members? <br />. Where is the money in the budget for streetscape plans, LaMotte Park electrical, <br />wheels park, public works water traps etc.? <br />. Infrastructure plans were discussed for roads, sewers, and especially pond <br />maintenance and that plans exist. <br />. Park and recreation from park improvements, to kids bicycle and pedestrian access <br />for safety were discussed. Looping trails were talked about. <br />. Overlaying the St. Paul water pipe was offered as a good idea to get bikes and <br />pedestrians off Centerville Road <br />. Access to the lakefront was mentioned and the possibility of trading land with the <br />church was also talked about <br />. Downtown water, sewer, revitalization, and architecture themes were mentioned <br />including a major grant application several years ago for mixed use business on first <br />floor with apartments and living spaces above much like a early 1900's theme <br />. Comprehensive plan update process was mentioned <br />. Communication options were touched on and we heard negative comments on our <br />website <br />. Citizens want the budget printed and available to them as decisions are formulated <br />and they want the budget that is adopted followed. <br />. Folks talked about quality of life issues - keep it a small town <br />. Youth and crime prevention were talked about and need for programs such as <br />YMCA/Lino Lakes Park etc. <br />. Couldn't hear the tornado siren was talked about <br />. Comments were received that the plan emphasis/look ahead was good <br />. The draft document does not preclude any existing youth programs that exist such <br />as Little League or soccer, but tries to enhance recreation programs. <br />. The park dedication fee was discussed for the LaMotte Park improvements. <br />. Open space planning was mentioned as an issue <br />. Architectural and environmental design was mentioned as a possible item to <br />incorporate in ordinances <br />. In addition, I visited Chauncey Barrett Gardens and learned: <br />1. They have concerns with the next phase of development in Eagle Pass <br />2. Pedestrian access to church, into Eagle Pass, and along Centerville Road to get <br />downtown or to church is important <br />3. They seem to have constant muddy water in the facility and would like that <br />addressed <br />4. They are interested in pond maintenance issues <br />5. They do not want assisted living or multistory buildings in the next phase of <br />Chauncey Barrett <br />