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<br />Parks and Recreation <br />Item 1. <br />B. Determine appropriate vendors to provide summer youth recreational activities using <br />city parks and facilities. YMCA is already developing a program for 6-10 year olds, but <br />a program needs to be developed for older youth as well. Weeklong camps for sports <br />(soccer, baseball, basketball etc.), science, nature, or any other item of interest should <br />be implemented for summer 2001 as a pilot program using the dollars allocated. The <br />committee should also explore using Centerville Elementary School for supervised <br />recreational activities throughout the year. The committee is encouraged to contact <br />Lino Lakes Park and Recreation to determine if there are any opportunities that could <br />benefit citizens of both communities. This item is intended to enhance recreational <br />opportunities that already exist such as Little League Baseball and soccer et.a!. Again <br />in may be too late to implement this in 2001. If so, summer 2002 is the target date for <br />implementation. <br /> <br />Responsible Leaders: Parks and Recreation Commission and Jim March <br />Product: A recommendation to Council on recreational activities the City will provide <br />this summer through either fee for service contracts, partnerships, sponsorships, or <br />direct service from the City. <br />Plan to be Approved: No later than October of 2001 <br />Plan to be Implemented: Summer 2001 or 2002 <br />Pilot Plan Evaluation: September 2001 or 2002 <br /> <br />Item 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plan, Construction and Maintenance <br />It is important that citizens have access to businesses, schools, parks, and public <br />buildings by walking and bicycling. Based on the input of citizens and the committee, we <br />must come to agreement on a final plan. Some will say this is already completed. If so, <br />we must move to implement the access plans. The plan should include not only trail <br />locations, guidelines or standards for construction, but priorities for construction. In <br />conjunction with water lines in the downtown area, we can improve access for seniors at <br />Chauncey Barrett. Another small segment could connect the new retail area with the <br />sidewalk at the Cemetary. Main Street on the south side would enable children to get to <br />parks and Corner Express. <br /> <br />Council has already allocated $10,000 in the existing budget from the General Fund for <br />item 46000 Trailways construction and maintenance and we need to proceed with <br />building priority projects. Trail construction is an ideal opportunity for citizen <br />participation and volunteer help. <br /> <br />Responsible Leaders: <br />Product: <br />Plan to be Approved: <br />Plan to Implemented: <br /> <br />Plan Evaluation: <br /> <br />Park and Recreation Committee and Council <br />Pedestrian and bicycle access action plan <br />Council needs an action plan by mid June <br />As development occurs and per recommendations <br />Of Park and Recreation Committee and possible <br />Street Scaping Plans <br />Yearly Review by Council with Committee <br />