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<br />February 7, 2001 <br /> <br />Mr. March, <br /> <br />Since I don't have a "Sweetheart" in my life and had no plans for the big Valentine's <br />night, I was personally looking forward to working that night as cable operator for the <br />City Council meeting! <br /> <br />On the serious side .... Perhaps I may be overly conscientious when it comes to my work <br />ethics, but I take great measures in providing, to the best of my ability, quality services <br />and results in my job(s). Since the Council meetings have been regularly scheduled on <br />the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, with the exception of nationally recognized <br />holidays and the occasional incidental situation, I have scheduled my work and personal <br />life around these meetings. Due to the sudden and unexpected change of the February <br />14th City Council meeting, I will not be in attendance on the 15th due to a previous <br />commitment. I would expect that due to the circumstances of this unexpected change, <br />that the City will compensate me for services that I had planned to provide on the <br />regularly scheduled meeting of February 14th. <br /> <br />Because the live broadcast of the City Council meeting is vital to informing the important <br />information to the people ofCenterville, I take my role as cable operator seriously. With <br />this in mind, I have scheduled the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month throughout 2001 <br />to my commitment to Centerville's City Council. If there are foreseeable dates that <br />Council nights may be changed, such as in this February 14th meeting, I would be more <br />than happy to make these changes in my schedule for the remainder of the year. With <br />this information provided early, not only to myself, but to the public as well, the City, I <br />believe, can continue to provide every resident the opportunity to be informed and <br />participate in a part of what makes Centerville such a great place to live and work. <br /> <br />Perhaps it would be in the best interest of the residents ofCenterville (in the interest of <br />communications) that Mayor Swedberg and other interested Council members provide <br />something in writing each month for publication in the Le Journal. By doing this, I see it <br />accomplishing the following: <br />1. Create public awareness as to who our Mayor/Council members are. <br />2. Provide the opportunity for each of the above-mentioned, express publicly in <br />another media their goals, intentions, accomplishments etc. <br />3. The reduction of misinterpretation. <br /> <br />Thank you fo <br /> <br /> <br />'> <br /> <br />Patricia Scott <br />