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<br />$356,:15Q ill cash or bY .,;\te ".,nofet of U.S. fede~ ~unds to be ,ecci,ed in <br />Title'. t1\lSt aocount by ,vitO ".ns{et, c.,,;;fied or "",biers cboO"- on or befot< tbe <br /><;losillg Date. <br /> <br />3. CgllliW'~ci.;.. 1b< obligations of~uyer undet this Agree""'''' ate con",.ge<>t <br />,n ea<n of lbe foll.,wini ("contingencies")' <br /> <br />(a) l!.e tc Wion lIOd '1/ tie. TIt< representations and ,"""anlies of SeUer <br />contained in this AgteetnCO' ll>ust be uue noW and on the Clo'UIf! Dote as tf ~ade <br />on the Closing pate ""d seller .boII hove deliveIed t~ ~uyet a' c\0~11tll a <br />cor\i1icate dated lbe Clo.\ng Date. siiOe" by 1IO lOlt\tOttzcd ,ep,es""",t"e of <br />seller cetl\f~11tll lbat SUOh represeownons and """,antles are uue as of lbe <br />C\o~g Date (the "Briog-doWO Certifi.-"). <br /> <br />(b) ~. Title'boII ba"" heW found """,ptable, ?' \)eel1ll>ade acceptable, in <br />acco,doDOe wilb the ,eq_en'" and to"'" of S_on 6 below, <br /> <br />1'etformance of Seller's Obli aliotli. sellet sboll he:'le perfouned sII of the <br />obligatiO'" requited to be perfonncd by Selle, un<let \h,' Agreement. as and whell <br />req,,,;,e<\ by thi' Agreec>ent. Incl\1<led within \he obhgotlOllS of Sellet onder Ihl' <br />Agreement sbe.\1 be the following: <br /> <br />(i) Seller ,hall allow Buyer. 0')(\ Buye'" "gents. """'SS '0 lbe Real <br />I"opertl' ""thOut cbatge and at all reasonable time. fo, tbe purpose of <br />Buyer' investigation md u:srrog the .....: BuY'" ,boll p8l'sII co"'-' <br />and ~ of such and tesOD\! and ~ hOld Seller md <br />fue Real J>tOpertl' batlJ>IeSS ftOll> all co"'-' and li.bluue, relaUUg to fue <br />~uyet" .cd""ie" Buyer ,ball j'uttllCt ,ell';' and resIDre ~ ,",,?,ge to <br />the Real J>topertY caused b)' or occurring dunng Buyers te- "','d <br />return the Re.1 J>tOpertY mdio' 1'erSOnal J>topertY \0 substantiallY toe <br />_e condition as elli.,ed prior \0 such entrY. <br /> <br />o ~..\lh'~ <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />(it) <br /> <br />seller ,boll withOut cbatge \0 ~uyer cooperate in BUYe;". atteU'pts :0 <br />obtain all go-=ntal 'I'l'rovols uoce~sas:y 1t\ BU)'" , ludgmen' m <br />Older to make that use of the 1',opetIY wbich Buyer. Seller ,hall fUrther <br />"",cuie such ,ezoning applic.tions. 1'1'ts. environmental wor\<5beetS <br />and ()thet dOCvmen" as rn>-"i be re<luired oy gov""""ental """,os tll <br /> <br />acconl"pliSb. the foregoing. <br /> <br />on 0' before ~n 31. 2Q()Q, Seller .boII deliver to Buyer """ md <br />corte,t copie, of all conttacts, J>~ts, warranties. 1'latlS, ~ fue <br />do<Ull>ente,ion re~ed uoder SeeMn 6 beloW fOl ~U"ieis re""'w and <br /> <br />analYSis. <br /> <br />(hi) <br /> <br />2 <br />