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<br /> <br />EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN <br /> <br />1.) AD txpo$oe:d soa .~n mW hive temporary .rosion protection or ptnna~nl: CO'Jet Ic:cotdlng 10 <br />lhelollowing: <br /> <br />TVtM!'otSlot>e <br /> <br />Tme (Muimum lime an area canl'fm.inopenwhen <br />thlI aru is not Id;,..ely beIng worll~.) <br />wtl1in7days <br />'M1:hin14days <br />within21 dl)'S <br /> <br />Sbp" sleeper lhan 3:1 <br />Slope.sbttween10;1 and3:1 <br />Slopel~lItrthan 10:1 <br /> <br />lhu. uus indude consl:ruded slorm ......tet mal\a5lement pond Sid. sIopu. InO any exposed <br /> positN. slope to a 5lorm vnlllreonveyance system, wen.u '" ClJI'b and gutter <br />ays.Iem. storm Mwer Inlet, tampol'1lty or permanent dlllil),1ge cfiteh or other natural or man mace <br />!Nldi1ChargelD'$l8faoeW1ller. <br /> <br />2.) PIpe outlets must be ptOVidlld 'Niltl er.ergy d'issipallon with 24 hours 01 connection to ~ler. <br /> <br />3.) All Itorm _rs ClSCNrging Into .....!lal"lds or waler bodies wi ouht at or ~lowthlll'lOrm3l <br />wII.r lenl of !hI rup.c1ive ....~llInd or .......ler body or ,I .n elevation where the downCrum slope <br />is 1 ptlcert 0( aatler. The nonT\.ll waler level shaD be thl lrw.rt eleVo1llon of \he olilel olin. <br />w-t:lnd orWllerbody. <br /> <br />4.) All grading operations shal be conducted In I manner 10 minimize the patentla! lor site erosion. <br /> eontlol practices must be establish.d on all down grad!.rt perimeters before any up <br />gradi'nl:la.nddbl.urbing.ctlvltiu~in. <br /> <br />5.) In 1I1IU """-re ~nl:J'1IIted /101..... OCClJf (such IS wnlleS and areu In Iron! of slonn catch baWls <br />and intilkes)th. .roskIn control ~cillties ahan be bedled by I stabl1zatlon stnJcture 10 protect <br />thoMt.Jciitiesfonnlheconc:enlraledllows. <br /> <br />e.) All stonn !ie'Ner catch bulM not needed fer site drainilge during cotl5tl'\Jd!on wi be COvtrld 10 <br />pravent runotf form enlering the storm s.e_r syst.m. Catch buins necessa/Y' for sit. drainage <br />during eonatnJctlon shan b4I alfltlund!d by sill fence or double ring 01 staked NY bales backed by <br />SIlOwfence.. The lenee or bales lhall be ~Ined and mainlained around 0111 Ciltch bulnl unti the <br />lributa/Y';lreUal1ltll5lored. <br /> <br />7.) All construcion sb .nlnnces lIhan be sl.V1ac:ed with cn.:sh.ed roc:x aO'OSS the e~ width of Ihe <br />enllllnCAl ald /rom the .ntrance lCla point 50 re.1 inco the conslNdlon zone. <br /> <br />a.) The to. of !h. sct fence anal be tnnched in e minimum of Ei Inch". The tr.nch ba~llhal be <br />compacted with I vibralory p1a1e comp.dor. <br /> <br />B.) All rlprlp alwO be designed and Instaled wth . lI~er materlallnd meet the Minn"oll Department <br />of Trilntporlalion spedlleatlona for riprap and M.r materla.l. <br /> <br />10.) Inspect the consl:l\ld!on 'Site once ....ery IMven (7) days during active constNdlon and wlhln 24 <br />houl1ll!l.era J'1IIlnfilD grutlerthan O.5lnches In 204 houl1 <br /> <br />f 1.) AI ,nl r.nees must be repa~d. replaood, or supplemented when ~y b.come nonrl.mdional Of <br />!he ..cmenl: ruenes 1/3 of the hllght of the fenca. These ~pairs must be INde within 204 I'KI\n <br />oldiscovery,oru soon IS field condll:ionsallow~u. <br /> <br />12.) If 5ediment ucapn.1he c:on6trud.ion site, off.$it. ec:cumulatlonao1 sediment mvst be n!mov.d In a <br />manner Ind at I ~nc:y aurrlCient 10 minimize Impacts. <br /> <br />13.) AI solis lllldled onto pa...ement shan be ~moveii dally. <br /> <br />1<4.) AI pennanect Ndlmenbltlon basin& mull b4I rutorM 10 design oond"lIion inmlIcioilety <br />following stabllizatlon 01 the slte. <br /> <br />15.) Upon eompletlonof!he profect ilnd slablrltation of aft gr.l~d areas, III temporary eroslon cor.trol <br />lIIIcililies (lIit rencd, NY b.~'. .Ie.) chall bI ntmOYed from thl afte. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />HERiTAGE STREET (D STREET) <br /> <br />_ _ _ .C-~y--__ ' ~, <br />r~j-J-Tl)'- - - -- - -r-- - - - - - - - -- - :-- --- - --: I: <br />'I 'I I I I <br />\, ,I' "I I <br />-_ - , , \ \1 ( L/ ", I I I i1.J-~ <br />-90,........ 1',\ \1 ~ 11 ", I I 10 10 40 1 81) <br />- 1- \, \ ',," ' I I I <br />I ---~ \ J (~' ,\, : I I I <br />I ,I I " ' I <br />I , [, /, ',' I I I <br />I I I ill' , I <br />I I, , '" I I i <br />I I '" II "I I <br />\1 \ \ ',', I I <br />I I J \ '.. " ',', I r - - - - - - - _1_ - - - - - - - - I <br />~ I / "- , , I <br />- -"'--'" 1 ') \... 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II I I I............. } I I I I <br />' r---~--L~' ~ / AI' '/ <br />~ I II', I I <br />t....1.Q..j RCCit Cc:-.>SffiUCilOX: 'I' I I <br />~tl'mu...!C( j ..:: __/ I <br />I~ <br />I' <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~? <br /> <br />EROSION CONTROL PLAN <br /> <br />SCAlE:1....w <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ :z <br />~\h <br />2i ~ E Q <br /> <br />d <br />1: ::: <br />~g <br /> <br />z <br />.~~ ~ <br />~:g~ffi <br />trl5g~ <br />0.. 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