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<br />City Council 10-26-2005 <br />Summary of Meeting <br /> <br />- The Council Meeting. <br /> <br />1. The Council approved the consent agenda as presented, including pay requests for <br />various contractors and approving the Park Board's plan for hiring skating rink <br />attendants. <br />2. Roger Worner, Superintendent of the Centennial School District was present to <br />give an update on the status of the schools. He expressed concern that the quality <br />of education is going to suffer if the referendum levy doesn't pass. He indicates <br />that class sizes have grown beyond the metro average and sees that getting worse <br />without new revenue. He did allay the rumors that the CenterviIIe school would <br />close if the referendum doesn't pass. There simply isn't room in the remaining <br />schools to accommodate the number of students that would need to move. <br />3. The Council passed two resolutions that were requested by Chief Makela <br />regarding emergency response and mutual aid agreements. <br />4. The Council approved the purchase of topo maps of the City from Lino Lakes. <br />Cost is $4200 for Centerville.u- u <br />5. The Council discussed the Halloween signs along Mill Road. Mayor Capra <br />reported that she had negotiated a commitment from the property owner to <br />remove the three most offensive signs. The council was satisfied with the <br />outcome, but by consensus referred the nuisance ordinance to the P&Z <br />Commission to review. They may be able to suggest ordinance modifications to <br />make sure signage with adult language is better regulated. <br />6. The Council decided to request that the Police Department set up the speed cart to <br />monitor traffic speeds on Mill Road. <br />7. The Council approved a redraft of the Memorandum of Agreement for the County <br />Road 14 project. <br />8. Council reviewed a claim from Ronald Hugger for reimbursement for the value of <br />his truck that was forfeited and sold by the Centennial Lakes Police. Dallas <br />Larson reported that coverage seems to exist at the League of Cities Insurance <br />Trust that will pay for the loss, less any proceeds from the sale of the vehicle. <br />The Council authorized up to $500 for an outside investigation of the case to <br />identify what went wrong on this forfeiture, in order to make sure policies and <br />procedures are in place for the future. <br />9. The Council authorized the purchase of property from St. Paul Regional Water <br />Services at a cost of $536,000. Terms include one-third up front and additional <br />payments of one-third in one year and at the final one-third in two years with <br />interest at 6%. See memo with agenda packet for additional information. <br />10. The Council approved a settlement agreement with Royal Oaks Realty for the <br />outstanding litigation relating to city costs. A payment was received from Royal <br />Oaks in the amount of $65,000 which is the amount specified in the agreement. <br />