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<br />~ <br /> <br />February 24, 2002 <br /> <br />Dear Cities of Centerville and Lino Lakes City Colman members and residents of Peltier Lake, <br /> <br />We as concemed homeowner and residents of CenterviIle and Peltier Lake would like to express to <br />you our concems in 1'eg81"da to the proposed "No Wake Ordnance" for the lake in which we live. First <br />and foremost, we believe that both sides cftbis issue have valid concems that have raised. even more <br />questious that need to be addressed before this ordna~ is invoked. : . <br /> <br />We don't claim to be ex:perts in Great Blue Herons and tbeirways, nor 'Water quatity issues, but have <br />made some observatioJiS. We have lived here since the summer of 1996 and have seen many chauges. <br />We've seen normal winters, late faDs It early springs, aD playiDs a part in the eonditioos of the Jake. <br />W"rth low snowfall, late mIls and early ice out inspriD& we have learned that the curly leafpondweed, <br />(that the entire lake has beeI'! involved in removmg), has an extended growth 'time, which oontributeJ <br />to poor water conditioDS. We've leamed this by attending seminars presented by the DNR at Wargo <br />Nature Center with other homeowners from Peltier take. There have been JDa.J:Ay clumps, with the <br />growth of ()W' tiny little town, both AlDI'Imer and winter recreational use of Peltier Lake has iDc.reased. <br />When we first came here, a busy day OD the lake was having 4 boats Cmcluding oumelves) out at ODe . <br />time. That was 011 a hoHday weekend. The most actMty you could expect to see in the winter was the <br />use of the snowmobile trail. Vel'Y few iee fished and that too has changed. <br /> <br />Some oftbe questions that we are left with are: <br /> <br />II .Is the area in question large enoUgh to sustain a rookery of this size? 01' have they out grown <br />this islaDd? <br />., Has the ecology oithe lake ehanged to the point that the birds bavejust decided to go <br />elsewhere? Two maio sources of the Great Blue Herous diet are bvJ1i1.<<ts and frogs. When we <br />moved in we cculd ollliy catch small bullheads off our doclc. Now we very seldom eatc:h them <br />and instead find more game and p8D fish populating the area. Frogs also were abundttDt and <br />now are very seldom seen. <br />· What affect did the commercial harvest of carp have on the ecosystem of our lake? <br />· Has this whole issue been created by a feud between some neighbors? <br /> <br />We feel that a Lake.Association meeting should be held to discuss all of the optiou with the <br />homeowners on Peltier Lake. Before any action is taken, we feel that many aDSWem (with the data <br />and studies to back them up) are needed before an~ should mnsiderthis or any ether ordnance. <br /> <br />We came here 6 years ago because it was everythmg we Where 1ook:iDg for. A small, close--knit <br />community, home 011 a non-resb:icted 1_ where our mmily could eqjoy flsbing (summer & winter), <br />swhr1ming, sldiDg, wildlife It.SDGWlDobile activities. <br /> <br />Hal 8[ Liz Wegner <br />1525 Peltier Lake DrIve <br /> <br />Feud this poem In the SpriDg 2002 Lakesltyie ...~ne aDd tIaought was appropriate. <br /> <br />"AU.1'BlINGS ClIANGE, \'ET NOTmNG IS lEXT1NGUISHm... 'ni!!:1l8IS NOTHDfG IN THE WHOLE <br />WORLD WHICH IS~. EVER.l"II."HDG F'LOWSONWARD., AND AU '1'HINGSAU _OUGHT <br />INTO BmNGwn1IACBANGING NA11JRE. 11mAGMTHBMSELVUGLmElIIYlN CONSTANT <br />MOV1DlDtNr...lFOllSl1U. WATmlS 'WILLMWU. REACH '1'HE SBA." (OVID, ROKANPOD', 43BC - 21 AD] <br />