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<br />ii' <br /> <br />-.- .,' <br />, . <br />>~~:~~qrk8 qnd' ~reatIon <br /> <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />I I <br /> <br /> <br />w <br />Z <br />Z <br />o <br />u <br /> <br />w <br />I <br />I-- <br /> <br />VolumeD( <br /> <br />Inside ThIs Newsletter <br /> <br />1. Infectec:l oakwood Is pmperIy managed In the palIcs. <br />2. Mounted Rang81S help patrol the padcs. <br /> <br />From The Director: <br /> <br />I was hoping to give you an update on legislative <br />initiatives affecting regional pcJ1'/a funding, but <br />things are stlD up In the air. Hopefully, by June I wiD <br />have the final outcome 011 grant fUndIng for our <br />grant projects here at Anoka County Parks. <br /> <br />In the meantime I want to share with you some <br />information about the growth In the use of our par/< <br />fao/Dtles that we have seen over the past few years. <br />In the process of putting the finishing touches on <br />our annual report, U became vety evident that we <br />have wUnessed a considerable Increase In facllUy <br />revenues since 1996. One of the more interesting <br />aspects of the report touches on the growing <br />annual Income at our campgrounds and park <br />entry stations. <br /> <br />The use of the campgrouncls has really picked up <br />In the past few years. The escaJatIng price of <br />gasoline and a downswing In the 9conomy may <br />have something to do with U, but we'd like to think <br />that recent Investments In campground upgrades <br />Is also playing a role. For example, In 1999 the <br />department reopened' the Bunker Hills <br />Campground, following a $1.0 m1100n dollar <br />rencNatIon project funded by the Metropolitan <br />CouncIJ. The new campsites, restroom/shower <br />facl/Jtles, and other amenities have made the <br />campground so popular that advance reservations <br />are almost a necessity. The replacement and <br />upgrading of other par/< fac//Itles - Uke tralls and <br />plcnlo areas - Is also attraotlng family campers for <br />a weekend offun at the park. As a resuU, camping <br />revenues at Bunker HOIs have shot up from just <br />$2,862 In 1996 to $64,646 In 20011 <br /> <br /> <br />lhIs new building at !he Bunker HDIs campground wID seNe the <br />many thousands of campelS wfth paJk Informatlon,lnterpre~ <br />progJaP1S. bike rentaJs,lIreWood sales. and resJrooms. <br /> <br />MAY 0 7 2002 <br /> <br />N.C)~IV <br /> <br />._ ~:"_ :".? '7-<.- J,' ~<:.:-:~~:.-.'.'.'.~J.~'~.~i:.1;:ff~'~ <br />. .,: .,ANfI .,~~ <br />," :'.,.~ ~.: :.~::'~~~~SE <br /> <br />Recent Improvements at RIce Cree/c ChaIn of Lakes <br />have also led to substantial Increases In camp/ng, <br />with a nearly two fold revenue /norease In the one <br />year ($47,147 w. $27,347 In 2000). _ New trails, <br />swImmJng beaoh faollItles, ohI/dren's playground <br />and bike trails are all making the difference In the <br />pub/Jc's perception of the parle as a c/ose-to-home <br />wee/cend .... get away spot. The following ohart <br />IDustrates the combined /mpaot of the these <br />Improvements In real dollars s/noe 2000. <br /> <br />Campground Revenues <br /> <br />70000 <br />60000 <br />50000 <br />40000 <br />30000 <br />20000 <br />10000 <br />o <br /> <br /> <br />2000 <br /> <br />2001 <br /> <br />II Bunker Hills <br /> <br />o Rice Creek Chain of Lakes <br /> <br />Recleveloplng and improving paJk facJlffles Is sIgn/llcan1ly <br />increasing comb/necl revenues at the counJy's two campgrounds. <br /> <br />LIke camping, vehicle entry permit sales are also <br />seeing nice Increases eaoh year. Undoubtedly, this <br />Is attributable to a number of faotors suoh as a <br />growing ooun1y population and smaU Increases In <br />annual perm{t fees. But there Is also good evlc:Jenoe <br />that the f/nanoIallnvestments In the regional pcJ1'/a Is <br />drawing more people who are happy to pay the <br />vehicle entrance fees to visit and enjoy the regional <br />parks. And nowhere Is the upswing more evident <br />than In the parks where oap/taJ reinvestment has <br />oocurred. For Instance, Lake George Regional Park <br />and Rice Cree/( ChaIn of Lakes Parle Reserve have <br />seen a 1200" Increase In entry gate sales sJnoe 1996 <br />($160,OOOvs. $73,OOO). ThesearealsothepcJ1'/athat <br />have witnessed CNer $1.0 m1IUon and $1.4 m/IDon In <br />grant funds, respeotlvely, In the Ia8t three to four <br />years. <br /> <br />We look forward to the many oontInuIng and <br />planned Improvements to the regional parks system <br />In AnoIca County. OUr partnerships WIth the state <br />legislature, Metropolitan CouncIl, and conservation <br />agenoIes Is paying bid dMdenc/s In the popuJar/Iy of <br />the regional par/cs. In turn, this has enhanoed the <br />revenue streams from par/< users for maJntalnlng <br />and operating the system. OVer the next five years <br />look for major projeots at Bunlcer HOIs, Coon Rapids <br />Dam, and R/oe Creel< ChaIn of Lakes regional parks. <br /> <br />Pagel <br />