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2007-05-02 P & R Packet
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2007-05-02 P & R Packet
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<br />Parks & Recreation Committee <br />Meeting Minutes April 4, 2007 <br /> <br />labor costs if you were going to have a contractor install each of the projects. You may be able to get <br />the city to provide the grading services. to haul-away soils for the bioretention area, and to bring in the <br />soil-replacement mixture. but for your grant application you will most likely need to show a value for <br />that work Also. for the rest of the projects I itemized the labor for each step. so you can count the <br />value of volunteer labor. hours. although I used a blanket rate of $50 / hour for contracted labor. <br />Depending on the availability of fimds. you may consider having a specialized contractor do some of <br />the more technical work and utilize volunteers for planting (and maybe spreading mulch. although <br />there would be a lot to spread). I listed potential sources for the .materJals. but there are certainly <br />other sources that could be investigated if there could be a cost savings. as long as the original intent <br />was kept. Also. I worked with your general landscape / structure plan so that the concept plans for the <br />stormwater and shoreland projects should fit into what you had provided me with (trail layout. bench / <br />swing locations. etc.). Jfyou have any questions. please let me know. <br /> <br />Also. I would suggest reconsidering the amount of tree / shrub clearing at the shoreline area. I would <br />suggest first targeting the invasive species (like the black locust) and then taking a step back, locating <br />where your benches / swings. etc will be located and then determining where you want to open views <br />(whether some shrub cutting. removal of some of the smaller diameter trees. and/or limbing up some of <br />the larger native trees (like the green ash that emt along the shore) rather than a clear cut. Something <br />to consider. since a clear cut will definitely reduce the habitat value of this area of shoreline and the <br />live roots of the woo~ plants along the bank do greatly aid in holding those soils together. <br /> <br />I had forgotten to mention that on the toe protection for the shoreland area. I had changed my mind <br />while I was doing the cost estimate and switched from the cedar tree revetment to using 16" coconut- <br />fiber biologs. and the plans were finished and I wasn't at my office. so the plans don't reflect that <br />change. I will eventually make that change on the plan set. but because of a very tight schedule for this <br />week, I probably won't get to that until the next week. <br /> <br />Viee-Chalrperson Kevin Amundsen updated the eommittee with the foDowing: Mr. Thompson <br />doesn't show a 'water feature' because he is just working on the "conservation" part of the project. He <br />said he kept it in mind and it will work with his plan by just connecting it to the swale that nms from <br />. the big rain garden to the little rain garden by the lake. He also said the plan on page 3 shows a "cedar <br />tree revetment" but he has changed his mind because it will be easier for the contractor to put in bio <br />logs and get the same result. I asked him about grants and he said Anoka County doesn't have any. He <br />supplied the "items list" so we could apply for a Rain Garden Grant from the Rice Creek Water <br />District. I asked him about DNR contacts and he said that the DNR Fisheries would be the place to get <br />the monies for the shoreline project. He gave me the name of Mr. John Hiebert who works out of St. <br />Paul. He thought that the DNR grant d~1ine was September 30th. But, also said that their Fiscal <br />Year ends June 30th and if there are monies left over they need to spend it. Mr. Thompson suggested <br />sending Mr. Hiebert an email explaining all the things that are going on and the deadline we have and <br />see if he can work with us to find some monies. This information was passed on to Mr. Dallas Larson, <br />City Administrator who said he would ~ntact Mr. Hiebert. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Viee-Chairpenon Amundsen, seconded by Committee Member Mosher to <br />recommend to City Coundl authorizing Mr. Mark Statz, City Engineer, to move forward with <br />soUeitIDg bids for the list of items prepared by the eommittee, as weD as the doeuments provided <br />by Mr.. Greg Thompson, Urban Conservation Speeialist, Assoeiation of MetropoUtan SoU &: <br />Water Conservation Districts. AD In favor. Motion passed 1JIJAnimousIy. <br /> <br />SofB <br />
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