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<br />--------~- - ~- ----~--~- ~---~- -.-------- ------~. <br /> <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity <br />Ucense number <br />- 03800 <br />State <br /> <br /> <br />8/05 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />Daytime phone <br /> <br /> <br />C'e ..d~, lie. MN <br />CIty State <br />; .#, lrJ.. <br />:f' > .~-~-}f., <br />City Slate <br /> <br />c:..h~k all activities that will be conducted: . <br />~Il-tabs _Pull-tabs with dispensing device -=-,llpboards ,.l..Paddlewheel .i.Paddlewheel WIth table _~lngo.k:.Bar blngo <br /> <br />Pull~tab, Tipboard, and Paddlewheel Rent (No lease required for raffles.) <br /> <br />BooUt opera.tlon - sales of gambling equipment by an employee Bar operation - sales of gambling equipment within a Jeased <br />(or volunteer) of a Dcensed organization within a separate enclosure premises by an emp'loyee of the lessor fronT a common area where <br />that Is dJstInct froin areas where food and beverages are sold. food and beverages. are also sold. <br /> <br />r-------D~~u~~n~~OR~~~~~~~~~~gambll~-------' <br />, from i,'l booth operation at thIs location? .x y~ _ No <br />L___________________~----------------J <br /> <br />If you answered yes to the question above, rent limItS are If you a~eroo no to the QUe!tle)n !lbove, rent nmlts are <br />based on the fonowlng combinations of operation: based on the foDowIng cornblnatlon$ of operation: <br />_ Booth operation - Bar operation <br />Booth operation and pull-tab dispensing device Bar operation with pun-tab dispensing device <br />_ Booth operation and bar operation - Pull-tab dispensing device only <br />_ Booth operation, bar operation, and pull-tab dispensing device <br /> <br />The maximum rent allowed may not exceed $1,750 In total <br />per month for all organizations lit this premises. <br /> <br />. <br />Complete one option: <br />Option A: 0 to 10% of the gross profits per month. <br />percentage to be paid / I? % <br /> <br />\ II <br />I <br /> <br />The maximum rent anowed may not ~ceed $2,500 In total <br />per montb for all organizations at thls premIseS. <br /> <br />Complete one option: <br />Option A: 0 to 20% of the gross proflts per month. <br />percentage to be paid % <br /> <br />Option B: When gross profits are $4,000 or less per month, $0 to Option B: When gross profits are $1,000 or less per month, $0 <br />$400 per month may be pard. Amount to be.pald $ to $200 per month may be paid. Amount to be paId $ <br /> <br />Option c: $0 to $400 per month may be paid on'the first $4,000 Option C: $0 to $2~ per month may be paid on the first $1,000 <br />of gross profit. Amountto be paid $ . Plus 0% to of gross profits. Amount to be paid $ . Plus 0% to <br />10% of the' gross profits may be paid Rer month on gross profJl:s 20% of the gross proflts may be paid per month on gross'proflts <br />over $4,000. Percentage to be paid %. over $1,000. Percentage to be paid % <br /> <br />Bingo Rent <br /> <br />Option 0: 0 to 10% of the gross profJl:s per month from all lawful <br />gambling activities held during bingo occasions, exdudlng bar bingo. <br />p~centageto be paid % <br /> <br />Option E: A rate based on a cost per square foot not to exceed 110% <br />of a comparable cost per square foot for leased space, as approved by <br />the director of the Gambling Control Board. No ~t may be paid for bar <br />bingo. Rate to be paid $ per square foot. <br />The Iessoi- must attach doeutTtentatlon; verified by the organlzatlQn, to <br />conflnn the cOmparable rate and all applicable costs to be paid by the <br />organization to ~ lessor. ' <br /> <br />Bar Bingo Rent <br /> <br />K.. Option F: No rent may be paid for bUlgo <br />conducted In a bar. <br /> <br />r - - - - - ..... -.- - - - - , <br />I For any new bingo activity not previously <br />Included In a Premises PerrnItAppllcatlon, I <br />I attach a separate sheet of paper listing the I <br />days and hours that bingo will be conducted. ' <br />L____________J <br /> <br />Amended <br />Lease <br />Only <br /> <br />If this Is an amended lease showing changes oca.uring during the term of the aJlTent premises permit, bOth parties <br />that signed the lease must In\tial aOO date all changes. Changes must be submitted to the Garnbnng control Board <br />at I~ 1Q..11ay~r1or to the change. Write In the date ~1oIt(1I be effectlve~~_. <br />I' <br />Lesso1'" _ _Date, J6rganlzatlOJr_ . .' ~-~..- ..c'_ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />31 <br />