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<br />Your name and address will be publie Information when <br />received by the Board. All the other Information that you <br />provide wiD be private data about you until the Board Issues <br /> <br />Acknowledgment and Oath <br /> <br />I hereby oonsent that local law enforcement officers, the Board or agents of the board, or the commIssioner of <br />revenue or pubDc safety or agents of the commissioners may enter the premises to enforce the law. The Board or <br />agents of the board, or the commissIoner of revenue or public safety or agents of the commissIoners are authorized <br />to Inspect the bank records of the gambllngacoount whenever necessary to fulflJl requIrements of current gambDng <br />rules and law. I declare that: <br />1. I have read this app.licatlon and all Information submitted to the Board Is true, accurate, and complete; <br /> <br />2. All required Information has been fully disclosed; <br /> <br />3. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; <br /> <br />4. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of aD activities to be 'conducted; <br /> <br />5. I will familiarize myself with the laws of MInnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the Board and agree, If <br />licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, Indudlng amendments to them; <br />. . <br />6. Any changes In application Information will be submitted to the Board and local unit of government within 10 <br />days of the change; and <br /> <br />7. I understand that failure to provide r~uired InfoJ:tTlatlon or providing false or misleading Information may result In <br />the denial or 'on of tlie lIcense. <br /> <br />x' <br />Signature of Chief Executi Officer (Designee may ot sign) <br /> <br />Print name Y~M.A-'I '\\.. ~o. ~\t:- <br /> <br />- --,- ------- -- --- <br /> <br />LG214 Premises. Permit Application <br /> <br />Data Privacy <br /> <br />The information requested on this form (and anyatt:achmentS) <br />..viIi \-~ iSl'.l111v the Gambli'l!). '.:,~oI Boarcl (Board) toO <br />1 '1ete!""ll!1~ j/l)U1 qualiflcatlons 'CO be lnvoived Ir. !awful gambling <br />acttvitle WI Minnesota, anom assIStthe Board!11 conducting a <br />background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse <br />to supply the information requE$ted; howevelj if you refuse <br />to supply this information, the Board may not be able to <br />determine your qua1lflcal:lons and, as a consequence, may <br />refuse to Issue you a premises permit. If you supply the <br />information requested, the Board wDl be able to process your <br />application. <br /> <br />This form may require the disclosure of your sodal security <br />number. If so, your social security number will be used to <br />determine your compliance with the tax laws of Minnesota. <br />Authorization for requiring your social security number Is <br />found at 42 U.S.c. 405 (eX!). <br /> <br /> <br />Required Attachments <br />1. If the premIseS Is leased, attach a copy of your lease. <br />Use form LG215 LeaSe for Lawful Gambling Activity. <br />2. Attach the resolution from the 10caI unit of government <br />(city or county) which shows approval of your application. <br />3. For each premISes permit appUcatlon, a $150 annual premises <br />permit fee Is required. Make the check payable to the nState <br />of Mlnnesota.D <br /> <br />Mail the appUcatlon with attachments to: <br />GambUng Control Board <br />1711 west County Road B, SUite 300 South <br />RosevIDe, MN 55113 <br /> <br />page2of2 <br />8/05 <br /> <br />your prernIses permit. When the Board Issues your premises <br />permit. all d the information that ....ou have provided to the Board II" <br />the process of applying fot'ltllJI OI"P.mises permit will become publk I <br />except for your sodal seaJr!ty "umber. whlcl't remains prrvate. If . <br />the Board does not: IssUe you a premises permit, aU the information <br />you have provided in the process of applying for a premises permit <br />remains private, with the exception of your name and address <br />which will remain public. <br /> <br />PrIvate data about you are avaDable only to the foDowIng: Board <br />members, Board st:a.ffwhose work assignment requires that they <br />have access to the information; the MinneSota Department d Public <br />Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota <br />Commissioners ri Admlnlsl:ratlon, Rnance, and Revenue; the <br />MInnesota legislative AudItor, national and International gamblIng <br />regul!Jl:Ory agencIes; anyone pursuant to court order; other <br />IndMduals and agendes that are speclflcaUy authorized by state or <br />federal law to have access to the information; IndIviduals and <br />agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or <br />sharing ri information after this notice was given; and anyone with <br />your consent. <br /> <br />t 5/J 101 <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />NOTE: There Is a monthly regulatory fee of 0.1% <br />(.001) of gross recelpJs from lawful gambnng <br />conducted at the site. The fee Is reported on <br />the G1 Lawful GambDng Monthly Stlmmary and <br />Tax Return. and paid with the monthly tax <br />report. <br /> <br />Questions? CaD the Ucenslng SectIon rithe Gamb\lng Control <br />Board at 651-639-4000. If you use a IT(, caD the Board by using <br />the Minnesota Relay ServIce and asl<to place a call to 651-639- <br />4000. <br /> <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />35 <br />