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<br />- ---~--- ~--- ~ - ------~--- - ---------- ~---- <br /> <br />(C) Oflt.street prII~ and ~ ZD1II8. No buD'" shall be _eatler ..... <br />~..dW1y.... or its _ .~ __........ ""1. ....1oadI"I spaces have <br />been prov1cIecl in acconJaace with the proYisIaDs ottbls ftS...... The n.odl~ ototr-street <br />,.1.:... .... prov1cIecl s1Ia1I ... at least the ...1nI........ ...... prov1cIecl iIl_ saMIv" <br />opntAined In this ~ except that ........L.lfUdDg 8Dd 1wI.........1II8.J be tp1d'Id a <br />~ use permit topmYkle fewer .-11...... wIlIII it is oIear1J ~.. by <br />the appUcat that the WI8 wDlllOt nquite the ....w of spaces ~ III the -- a <br />....~'" .. permit is a GORdJtIoa may .. imposed to ~ that the lad <br />normaUy dedicated to f&1JJna sba11 be held In a 1_aped nsserve that CIID hi used tbr <br />I*lhIa ia the ev8Jlttlae.. or pea'" ... sIIoulcI...., <br /> <br />(D) PaIkiD& spaces may be lcnMd on a lot other tbm that CQlIl'tinl"8 the priIloipal use. <br />sUbject to _Ul..... ofa C)Oo-itfomd use permit. <br /> <br />(B) Oft"-atreIlt ~ A ~I space shall have...w..... cIJ............ ofllOt" thIIIl <br />.12 &It ill width. 50 Aet I1l ~ ~.. or 4dY6.&y&. aIsIts - other ~ <br />areas. One oft:.street Joatlh1a space sba1l be provided ad ~:ntJdlU!!d on die _lot tbr <br />IICh ~ 8IIIl iadustria1 use requirIaJ reauJar deli4fJ of pods ... ..... a <br />mocllt1td gross t100r area of more tban 10.000 square &et. One ,.t. space shall be <br />prov1cIecl tbr each ....ktoaJ 25.000 square felt or 8acdoa _eo[ No ........Ioad.. <br />space shall be loGItell in any required yard edJo"'i"l any resfdentitll use. ltequIrecl'" <br />8IrIet ... space s1Ia11 DOt be lactuMd . otr.... patkbaa ... in eowp.4l.. <br />required ofI.street paddDa '&paGe. Vehicles ~ this ~ space ~ DOt project <br />Iato die public rlaht4waJ. <br /> <br />(F) Pracdcmat space. When aD appJicatJo1' of the ..l'dards of this chapter with Iespect <br />to m..w. of otr-street flIdlrilW spaces r-*s ia tbo .... to provide a bGIioa of one <br />~ any :ftaodon of one-haIf or.. sba11 be disr..-4ed and any other ftaatiOD sba1l be <br />COIISI:rUIlClIS one. <br /> <br />(G) U_ not ~. Por any use not specItlca11y ~ in the schedule or... <br />__ parkIDs &ad .... ~ the ....... of spaces requInI4 should .. that <br />reqWred tbr tbat use Da1Decl in the schedule which is cletermiD.ed by the Pl8mIInJ &ad <br />~~,tolJemost simDar. <br /> <br />(H) Spaces tbr t1w or more autoP"Obiles. ParIdnJ areas conti.... offlve or more oft:. <br />street JNP~ spaces s1IaII have iacIlvkIual ... 10 IDIIkI4 aDd sIudl .. so 4Wpe&l <br />"..latAlnecI ad repl"" that 110 parkiDg or IDIIIleI&teriaa {'w""1 to i*1d1II shall be <br />OR ., pubJio ... walk or .., ... 80 dIat 8IlJ whicIe ., .. pJlktd in4 UIipaIted <br />without IIlO'VJDJ &1lOther vehicle. <br /> <br />(I) 1d\A0t8II81It .. tnwI....... BequIred t-1II,. ami '-'.. ....... ~.. with <br />chi........,a. aisles ami other cIrcII1atioa ... shall be _0." in a way as to provide a <br />dun1tIo _ dust-tee ....Jib>> aspWt.. ~ pawn. "'11 5~ or similar ...... <br />accordlDa to ~ui..lmpm city specHt...... ~ a.-I DistdGts. All pull.. and <br />....... shaD provide for ftOi* .aiea6 of...~waterto ~..- thocllaiailp of <br /> <br />4/ <br />