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<br />--------------~------~-----------~----- ------------------- ----------- <br /> <br />the ....... 0DtD 8djIceDt properties or walkwaJs. Tho 0.- 01 aDJ pa~1fI. or 1oa&Ji", <br />area shaIl-".... the area ill aood oo~ witllout Ides_ he old cJust, tIa8h aad <br />other debris. Parkiaa ami 8CGeSS drives shaU be located a' .hi..allll1m ot8Ye feet ttom &1lJ <br />pl~17111le. Pad.laa..... 8llallho a .tdmdlll of_ feet wide aad 18 felt cIeep. <br /> <br />(J) Access. All oft'-street parkiIIa ... sba11 have access 10m MRw...")1 rather than <br />ftom pub1ia ... aad IXCIJt by ~ use padt. the clrho..a,.access sIIaIt be <br />IhmtM to 24 feet In width at the cum line. <br /> <br />SeaIfQp 2. ~ olOrdlHIq, The ~ of this 0AtI...~ IItt8ehI!d as <br />BxblbIt A. Is hereby adopted and approved tbr pubJ1__ <br /> <br />~ 3. B6elfi'tO Date. ThIs ORI~ sIta1l be Aal.,.lmmedlately .. <br />its 'Issar ami pub1icerion ofa 8IJftItIUlIY of'this mvli...",,, acccmIiaa to law. <br /> <br />ADOP1'BD tbis <br />the City ofCenterville. <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />.2007, "'the City ~ of <br /> <br />Mary Capra, Mayor <br /> <br />Attest: <br />T_ ~t CityC1erk <br /> <br />1~ <br />