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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />and the Commission with a reconciliation of amounts collected and expended <br />related to the provision of the Universal PEG Tier. The Grantee ag,'ees to adjust <br />the Universal PEG Tier fee for any overpayment or underpayment <br /> <br />6.6.5 Notice of the availability of the Universal PEG Tier shall be provided in an initial <br />writlen notice to non-Subscribers and Subscribers. The Grantee shall also <br />mention the availability of the Universal PEG Tier in other marketing, <br />promotional, or information materials sent to non-Subscribers and shall mention <br />the Universal PEG Tier at least quarterly. The Universal PLoG Tier shall be <br />included in any literature which lists all services gcncrally available li'om thc <br />Grantee. Existing Subscribers shall receive notice of the availability the <br />Universal PL':O Tier on an annual basis. The Commission may promote the <br />availahility of the Universal PEG Tier, and the Grantee shall make available to the <br />Commission during the lil'st sixty (60) days of the availability of the Univasal <br />PEG Tiel' at least lour ad avails per week to be ehosen at the sole discretion ofthe <br />Grantee. <br /> <br />6.6.6 Should a Universal PEG Tier Subscriber require or request a set-top terminal <br />device or other equipment not essential to the reception of the Universal PEG <br />Tier, or should a Universal PEG Tier Subscriber require a Drop that exceeds 250 <br />feet in length, the Universal PEG Tier Subscriber shall be responsible lor paying <br />the applicable charges for such equipment, and lor the Actual Costs associated <br />with installing a Drop in excess of250 feel. <br /> <br />6.6.7 For purposes oflhis Section 6.6, the following delinitions shall apply: <br /> <br /> "Universal PEG Tier" shall mean Regional Channel 6 and all PEG <br />channels identified in this Franchise or subscquently added pursuant to the <br />Franchise. <br /> <br /> "Drop" shallmcan an aerial or underground cable, not to exceed 250 feel <br />in length. that runs trom the nearest connection point on a teeder cable to <br />the point of connection in a Subscriber's dwelling unit. <br /> <br /> "'Outlet" shall mean the cable and associated connectors which run [,'0111 <br />the point of connection to the Subscriber dwelling unit to the Subscriber <br />receiver. <br /> <br />37 <br /> <br />1/- <br />