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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />6.3 Re2ional Channel 6. <br /> <br />The Grantee shall designate standard VHF Channel 6 for uniform regional channel usage <br />to the extent required by State law. <br /> <br />6.4 Leased Access Channels. <br /> <br />The Grantee shali provide Leased Access Channels as required by federal and Slate law. <br /> <br />6.5 .PEG Oblil!atiolls. <br /> <br />Except as expressly providcd in this Franchise. thc Grantec shall not make any changcs in <br />rEG support or in thc transmission, reception and carriage of PEG channels and <br />eqllipment associated therewith. without the consent of the City and/or the Commission. <br /> <br />6.6. Universal PEG Tier. <br /> <br />6.6.1 The Grantee shaU oller the toUowing services and benetits to aU current and <br />potential Subscribers whose dwelling units are passed by cable plant: (i) the <br />Universal PEG Tier, free of charge; (ii) lree Installation ofa service Drop and one <br />free cable television Outlet lor non-Subscribers; and (iii) aller the paymcnt of any <br />applicable downgrade charge, a service Drop and one cable television Outlet for <br />existing Subscribers. <br /> <br />6.6.2 The Universal PEG Tier shall be ollered by tbe Grantec lor the term of this <br />Franchise, unless the Grantee (or its successors) and the City mutually agree to <br />sllspend 01' terminate the Universal PEG Tier pmgram. <br /> <br />6.6.3 The Grantee agrees to provide, at no cost to Universal PEG Tier Subscribers, an <br />AlI3 switch and all cable-related cquipmem necessary to allow reccption of local <br />broadcast stations on a Universal PEG Tier SLlbscriber's telcvision reeeiver. <br />provided said television receiver is capable of receiving broadcast television <br />signals. For purposes of this provision, the tcrm "cable-related equipment" shall <br />not include antennas, antenna wires, vidco cassette recorders or similar devices. <br /> <br />6.6.4 The Grantee and the City agree that the rates charged to Subscribers will not <br />increase as a result of the Grantee's implementation of the Universal PEG Tier <br />program, except that the Grantee may recover the expense of the Universal PEG <br />Tier as part of the PEG Fee itemization on Subscribers' monthly billing <br />statements. The amount recovered by the Grantee eaeh month shall not exceed <br />$0.05 per Subscriber, shall not reducc the PEG Fee, franchise feccs or any I-Net <br />support and shall lIot be subject to any PEG Fee cap. Upon activation of the <br />Universal PEG Tier, and each year thereafter, the Grantee shall provide the City <br /> <br />36 <br /> <br />// <br />