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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />reasonable alternative, in light of the purposes to be served by the interconnection. <br />Alternatively, the Grantee will obtain relief from this interconnection requirement <br />if it is unable to reach an agreement with the designated adjacent System, after a <br />good faith effort to reach an agreement, provided that the Grantee provides the <br />City and/or the Commission with lhe proposed agreement and explains the <br />reason(s) why the parties have been unable to reach agreement. <br /> <br />7.2.3 Every interclmnection link established pursuant to this Section 7.2 shall be <br />designed, built and equipped to have the capability for the seamless transmission <br />of all video, voice and data communications between the interconnected <br />net works_ If a fiber optic transmission medium is required for the interconnect to <br />ii1ciJitDte capacity. reliability or othet. networking needs, as determined by the <br />City, Commission. or I-Net users, , such medium may use a non-exclusive fiber <br />optic transmission medium employing at least two (2) strands per interconnect. <br />If a hybrid fiber-coaxial transmission medium can be utilized for the interconnect, <br />such medilUll shall pl'ovide, lor the City's, the Commission's, and an I-Net user's <br />eXCltlSive use, al least eighteen (18) MHz of bandwidth for Jorward video <br />purposes (free of charge), eighteen (18) MHz of bandwidth for return video <br />purposes (li-ee of charge), twelve (12) MHz of bandwidth [or 10rward data and/or <br />other purposes (lj'ee or charge) and twelve (12) MHz of bandwidth lor return data <br />and/or other purposes (free of charge). <br /> <br />7.2.4 Any interconnection link provided by Grantee to the City, the Commission, or an <br />I-Net user shall be on a nonexclusive basis, Capacity on interconnection links <br />may be shared with others, including other cities, cable commissions, I-Net users <br />or Grantee. <br /> <br />7.2.5 The Gr-Jntee shall cooperate with any interconnection corporation, regional <br />interconnection authority, or slate or federal agency which may be hereafter <br />esLtlblished ror the purpose or regulating, facilitating, Ilnaneing or otherwise <br />providing [or the interconnection of cable syslems beyond the boundaries of the <br />City and/or the North Metro Franchise Area. <br /> <br />7.3 Subscriber Network DroJls 10 Desilwated BuildiD!!s. <br /> <br />7.3.1 Grantee shall provide, free of charge, Installation and activation of one (1) <br />subscriber network Drop, and one (I) cable outlet at the institutions identified in <br />Exhibit C, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Institutions listed in <br />Exhibit C shall be provided with an active, fully functional Drop and outlet by <br />the time System Construction is compleled. <br /> <br />7,3.2 The Grantee shall provide Basic Cable Service and any equipment necessary to <br />receive such service, free of charge, to all institutions identified in Exhibit C. <br /> <br />40 <br /> <br />/~ <br />