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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />quarters together with a report showing the basis for the computation, The City or <br />the Commission shall have the right to require further suppOliing information for <br />each franchise fee payment. In addition, the Grantee shall file with the <br />Commission an annual report showing all Gross Revenues lor the prior calendar <br />year. This rcpori shaH be filed with thc Commission within thiliy (30) days of the <br />end of each calendar year. <br /> <br />8.3.3 All amounts paid shall be subject to audit and recomputation by City and/or the <br />Commission, and acceptance of any payment shall not be construed as an accord <br />that the amount paid is in Jact the correct amount The Grantee shall be <br />responsible for providing the City and/or the Commission all n:cords necessary to <br />con (inll the accurate payment of franchise fees, The Urantee shall maintain such <br />records lor live (5) years, unless in the Grantee's ordinary course of business <br />specific records are retained lor a shorter period, but in no event less than three <br />(3) years, I f an audit discloses an overpayment or underpayment of fhmchise <br />fees, the City and/or the Commission shall notify the Grantee of such <br />overpayment or underpayment. The City's/Commission's audit expenses shall be <br />borne by the City/Commission unless the audit determines that the payment to the <br />City should be increased by more than Jive percent (5%) in the audited period, in <br />which case the costs of the audit shall be borne by the Grantee as a cost incidental <br />to the enforcement of the Franchise, Any additional amounts due to the City as a <br />result of the audit shall be paid to the City within thirty (30) days following <br />written notice to the Grantee by the City/Commission of the underpayment, which <br />notice shall include a copy of the audit rcport, If thc recomputation results in <br />additional revenue to be paid to the City, such amount shaH be subject to a ten <br />percent (10%) annual interest charge. tfthe audit determines that there has been <br />an overpayment by the Grantee, the Grantee may credit any overpayment against <br />its next quarterly payment. <br /> <br />8,3.4 In the event any franchise fee payment or recomputation amount is not made on <br />or bell)L"e the required date, the Grantee shall pay, during the period such unpaid <br />amount is owed, the additional compensation and interest charges computed from <br />such due date, at an annual rale often percent ([0%). <br /> <br />8.3.5 Nothing in this Franchise shall be construed to limit any authority of the City to <br />impose any tax, fee or assessment of general applicability. <br /> <br />8.3.6 The franchise fee payments required by this Franchise shall be in addition to any <br />and afl taxcs or fees of general applicability. The Grantee shall not have or make <br />any claim for any deduction or other credit of all or any part of the amount of said <br />franchise fee payments Ii-om or against any of said taxes or fees of general <br />applicability, except as expressly pennitted by law. The Grantee shall not apply <br />nor seek to apply afl or any part of the amount of said franchise fee payments as a <br /> <br />42 <br /> <br />11 <br />