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<br />DRAFT <br /> <br />deduction or other credit trom or against any or said taxes or fees of general <br />applicability, except as expressly permitted by Jaw. Nor shall the Gmntee apply <br />or seek to apply all or any part of the amount of any of said taxes or fees of <br />general applicability as a deduction or other credit from or against any of its <br />franchise fee obligations, except as expressly permitted by law. <br /> <br />8.4 Access to Records. <br /> <br />To the extent such dowments are related to Grantee's compliance with this Franchise or <br />applicable law (the burden to allege and, i I' so alleged, the initial burden to demonstrate <br />that such requeskd documents are not related to Grantee's compliance with this <br />Franchise or applicable law shall be the Grantee's), the City/Commission shall have the <br />right to inspect or copy any records or documcnts maintained by Grantee (01" maintained <br />by an AHiliate on behalf of the Grantee. to the extent that review of sucb record or <br />document maintained by the Aftiliate on behalr of the Grantee is necessary in order lor <br />the City/Commission to enforce compliance with this Franchise) upon reasonable notice <br />and during Grantee's administrative ortiee hours, or require Grantee to provide copies of <br />records and documents within a reasonable time, on a contldential and proprietary basis, <br />to the extent such records and documents otherwise qualify as nonpublic, conr.dential. <br />trade secret or proprietary pursuant to applicable law. Upon the City's/Commission's <br />request, the Grantee shall prov ide to the City and/or the Commission copies of any <br />records or documents that cannot be reasonably argued pursuant to ~pplicable law to be <br />nonpublic, confidential, trade secret or proprietary. <br /> <br />8.5. Renorts and MailS to be Filed with Cit\', <br /> <br />8.5.1 The Grantee shall Ii Ie with the City, at the time of payment ofthe franchise lee. a <br />report of all Gross Revenues in a lorm and substance as r~quired by the City or <br />the Commission. <br /> <br />8.5.2 The Grantee shall prepare and lurnish to th~ City Or the Commission, at the times <br />and in the form prescribed, such other reports with respect to Grantee's operations <br />pursuant to this Franchise as the City or the Commission may require. The City <br />and tbe Commission shaH use their best eHarts to protect proprietary or trade <br />secret information all consistent with State and lederallaw. <br /> <br />8.5.3 If required by the City and/or the Commission, the Grantee shall furnish to and <br />file with the City and/or the Commission the maps, plats and permanent records <br />of the location and character of all facilities constructed, including underground <br />facilities, and Grantee shalllile with th~ City and/or the Commission updates of <br />such maps, plats and permanent records annually if changes bave been made in <br />the System. or any I-Nel. <br /> <br />43 <br /> <br />IF <br />