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<br />10/26/07 09:58 FAX 651 602 1674 <br /> <br />METRO COUNCIL <br /> <br />~002 <br /> <br />October 23, 2007 <br /> <br />Dallas Larson, Administrator <br />City ofCenterville <br />1880 Main Street <br />Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> <br />RE:. Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) <br />Centerville Downtown Redevelopment <br />Metropolitm Council DistJi1ct 11 <br />Metropolit:m Council Review File No. 20095-1 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Larson: <br /> <br />Council staff reviewed the environmental assessment worksheet (EA W) for the <br />Centerville Downtown Redevelopment area. The proposal involves redevelopment of <br />Centerville's downtown and environs into a mixed use area of multi-family housing and <br />retail/office space over a period offive years. The area encompasses over 37 acres of the <br />existing downtown along Main Street/CSAH 14, plus several blocks to the south on <br />either side of Centerville Road/CSAH 23. <br /> <br />Staff finds this EA W to be incomplete with respect to the transportation analysis because <br />it does not analyze impacts on the regional system by addressing connections between <br />CSAH 14 (an "A" minor Arterial) and 1-35E and I~35W. While the EA W includes a <br />traffic analysis of :ocal road impacts, it does not address potential regional transportation <br />system impacts. ltern 21, Traffic, states that if the project is within the Metropolitan <br />Area the EA W net:ds to discuss its impact on the regional transportation system. This is <br />particularly imponant considering that Main Street/CSAH 14 connects to both 1-35E <br />nearby to the east ,md to 1-35W further west. <br /> <br />Consequently, COlmcil staff is unable to determin,e at this time whether the project is in <br />conformity with n:gional system plans and whether an Environmental Impact Statement <br />(EIS) may be need ed to address r~gional transportation issues. We encourage you to <br />withdraw and repthlish the EA W with the missing data, or to issue a supplemental EA W <br />to address the misHing information. Questions regarding the specifics of the <br />transportation information needed: should be directed to Ann Braden, 651-602-1705, <br /> . <br />