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<br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />To: <br /> <br />Dallas Larson <br />City Administrator <br />The City of Centerville <br />Marcey L. Westrick <br />EAW for the City of Centerville's Downtowr <br />Redevelopment <br /> <br />KR EMMONS <br />& OLIVIER <br />RESOURCES <br /> <br />- <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />-- <br />- <br />- <br />~ <br /> <br />From: <br />Subject: <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />October 22, 2001 <br /> <br />The purpose of this memorandum is to provide comments of concern on behalf of the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District (District) on the Mandatory EA W for the Centerville Downtown <br />Redevelopment. The comments listed below are with reference to the pertinent section in the <br />EAW. <br /> <br />#10. The approximate proposed wetland impacts of 0.38 acres will be subject to WCA <br />sequencing and mitigation requirements through the District permitting process. In addition, <br />wetlands before and after construction should at a minimum be equal given WCA requirements. <br /> <br />#17. As part of the Centerville Lake TMDL, the District has completed a nutrient budget analysis for <br />Centerville Lake. In addition, preliminary analysis completed by the District indicates that the proposed <br />District rule will allow the city to redevelop the downtown area while meeting the Centerville TMDL goal. <br />This information has been shared with the City of Centerville, and as a result, the District does not find it <br />necessary for the city to complete a nutrient budget analysis separate from the Districts. With that said, as <br />noted in the EA W, Clearwater Creek is also listed as an impaired waterbody due to biological impairment <br />and the city should attempt to reduce stormwater volume and rates entering the creek to the maximum <br />extent practicable. <br /> <br />Several stormwater management strategies are listed such as rain gardens, depressed parking lot <br />islands, pervious pavement with underground storage, and pretreatment and infiltration basins. It <br />should be also noted that Low Impact Development techniques could be used including native <br />landscaping and reduced imperviousness. <br /> <br />The District appreciates the open communication with the City of Centerville regarding the Centerville <br />Lake TMDL and sees the Centerville Redevelopment as an opportunity to improve the quality of <br />stormwater that is discharging to both the lake and Clearwater Creek. The District looks forward to <br />assisting the city as this project goes forward to ensure that District Rules and TMDL goals are <br />met. <br /> <br />If there are any questions regarding the comments for this review, or if the District can provide <br />additional assistance, please feel free to contact me at (651) 203-6009 or Doug Thomas at (763) <br />398-3071. <br /> <br />c: RCWD Board of Managers <br />RCWD District Office, A TIN: Doug Thomas <br />