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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of <br />the City of Centerville held their regular meeting on Wednesday, <br />July 11, 1979 in the City Hall. Mayor Prachar called the <br />meeting to order at 8:00 pm. Present were Burque, L'Allier, <br />Laska, Savela and Attorney Burke. <br /> <br />Fran Burque made a motion to accept minutes of meeting held <br />June 27, Floyd Laska seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: Status of street restoration <br />project and the dust problem caused by the detour. <br /> <br />Discussion on ponding areas required by Rice Creek Watershed <br />on plats submitted to the Council for our approval. Consensus <br />of council is to make them a part of the plat so that the <br />city can maintain the ponding area from time of final plat <br />approval. <br /> <br />Shade Tree Program for 1979 was discussed. Council was <br />advised as to the replanting program for the City. Resolution <br />on the program was approved by Council and is attached to <br />and made a part of these minutes. <br /> <br />Flood Plain ordinance was discussed along with discussion <br />on the bill which was passed in the recent legislative session <br />concerning DNR's ruling on the l' free board. This was tabled <br />until the next meeting. <br /> <br />Mining ordinance was discussed and consensus of council was <br />to see if the adoption of Chapter 70 takes care of our problem <br />for the present and if not, the mining ordinance will be taken <br />up at a later date. Walt Williams will put together form <br />for excavating permit for submission by applicant to the city. <br /> <br />Discussion was held on the vacation of Westview Street. Con- <br />sensus is to vacate the street but still exercise physical <br />control. Mayor is to talk to Mr. Vidrin of the ASWS and report <br />at next meeting. <br /> <br />The matter of our Building Inspector not being certified was <br />discussed. Our attorney advised that we should retain a <br />certified building inspector as soon as possible. Leon <br />L'Allier made a motion for the clerk to call the State Building <br />Division to help us find a building inspector to replace Mr. <br />Mobley, Floyd Laska seconded it, motion carried. <br /> <br />Horse ordinance was tabled until next meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Neil Petrowske appeared before council with request for <br />a variance on his lat at the corner of Main Street and 20th <br />Avenue. P & Z has recommended variance be granted on the <br />above lot. Leon L'Allier made a motion to grant a variance <br />