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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council <br />of the City of Centerville held a public hearing to amend <br />Ordinance #10 on Wednesday, August 27, 1980 in City Hall. <br />Acting Mayor Savela called the hearing to order at 7:00 pm. <br />Present were: Laska, L'Allier and Murray. Absent: Burque. <br /> <br />Clerk read the notice of public hearing. Acting Mayor Savela <br />gave brief summary of why public hearing is being called. <br /> <br />The following amendment to Ordinance #10 was introduced <br />to the council: SECTION I - II RESIDENTIAL (e) - FRONT <br />YARD R~QUIR~M~NTS: Each lot or tract of land in the <br />residential district shall have a front yard setback of not <br />less than 50' as measured from the travelled portion of <br />the roadway except on property abutting County State Highways <br />numbered #14 and #21, the front yard setback shall not be less <br />than 69 feet. <br /> <br />Motion by L'Allier, second by Laska to adopt the above <br />amendment to Ordinance #10, motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on Section 1- IV BUILDING SIZ~ AND LOCATION (p) <br />which states: In computing yard dimensions, measurements <br />shall be taken from the nearest point of the building, or <br />the nearest point of an enclosed pa~tion of the building to <br />the street or lot line. In any residential district where <br />25% or more of the lots in any block located in the same <br />district, exclusive of the frontage along the side of a <br />corner lot, have been improved with buildings at the time <br />of the passage of this resolution, which buildings are of a <br />character permitted in said districts, and the front yard <br />on such lots vary in depth to an extent not greater than <br />ten feet, then the required front yard depth for such <br />district shall be disregarded in such block and in lieu <br />thereof, the front yard required on each lot in said block <br />shall be of a depth of the front yard on the lots on which <br />are located such existing buildings. <br /> <br />Clerk was advised to inform Westward Construction in Forest <br />Lake and Building Inspector of same and request Building <br />Inspector to red tag the existing basement on Lot 2, Block 2, <br />Peterson's Old Homestead Addition. <br /> <br />Public hearing adjourned at 8:15 pm. <br /> <br /> ully submitted, <br /> <br />d:(LA:eL~ll/'L/ <br />~-~achar, Clerk <br />\ <br />