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<br />-9- <br /> <br />bond or utilize the escrow deposit to complete the <br />remaining construction to City standards and <br />specifications. In the event the amount of funds <br />recovered is insufficient to cover the cost of <br />construction, the Council may assess the remaining <br />cost to the lands within the subdivision. <br /> <br />34. CONSTRUCTION PLANS. Construction plans and specifications <br />for the required improvements conforming in all respects with <br />the standards and ordinances of the City shall be prepared <br />at the expense of the subdivider by a professional engineer <br />registered by the State of Minnesota. Such plans and <br />specifications shall be approved by the City Engineer and <br />shall become a part of the developer's agreement. Two prints <br />of said plans and specifications shall be filed with the Clerk. <br /> <br />35. INSPECTION. All required improvements shall be inspected <br />during the course of construction by the City Engineer and <br />acceptance of said improvements by the City shall require prior <br />written certification by the City Engineer that said improvements <br />have been constructed in compliance with the plans and specifica- <br />tions. <br /> <br />36. PRIOR IMP~OVEMENTS. Improvements which have been completed <br />prior to application for final plat approval or execution of <br />the developer's agreement shall be accepted as equivalent <br />improvements provided the City Engineer shall certify in <br />writing that said improvements conform to City standards. <br /> <br />37. AS BUILT PLANS. Upon completion of installation of all <br />required improvements, the subdivider shall file with the Clerk <br />a reproducable tracing and two copies of plans and specifications <br />showing all improvements as finally constructed and installed. <br />All as builts plans will be prepared by City Engineer and the <br />time billed to the developer. <br /> <br />38. IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION. <br />38.01. GENERAL. All of the required improvements specified <br />in this Article shall be constructed in accordance <br />with the City standards and all other applicable <br />City, County and State regulations. <br /> <br />38.02. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS. Concrete monuments shall <br />be set at the intersection of all lines forming <br />angles in the boundary of the subdivision. Iron <br />or steel markers shall be set at the beginning <br />and ending of all curves along street property <br />lines; at all points where lot lines intersect <br />curves, either front or rear; at all angles in <br />property lines of lots and at all other lot corners. <br /> <br />38.03. STREETS. The streets shall be graded if required by <br />the Council to the grades and dimensions shown on <br />plans and profiles and approved by the Council <br />and shall include the following improvements: <br />