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<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of <br />Centerville held their regular meeting on Wednesday, November <br />10, 1982 in City Hall. Mayor Savela called the meeting to <br />order at 7:00 PM. Present were: L'Allier, Laska and Wilharber. <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by L'Allier to approve the minutes <br />of the October 27 meeting, motion carried. Motion by Wilharber <br />second by Laska to approve the canvass of ballots on November <br />3, 1982, motion carried. <br /> <br />Council considered the following letters of intent for the <br />unexpired term of councilman: Dan Tourville, Jr., Walter <br />Prachar and Charles Baumann, Jr. Motion by L'Allier, second <br />by Laska to appoint Dan Tourville to fill the unexpired term, <br />L'Allier, aye; Laska, aye; Wilharber, nay; Savela, nay, <br />motion failed. Motion by Wilharber, second by Savela to <br />appoint Charles Baumann, Jr., to fill the unexpired term <br />of councilman, L'Allier, nay; Laska, abstained; Wilharber, <br />aye; Savela, aye; motion carried. Charles Baumann, Jr., <br />was given the oath of office by clerk. Term of position <br />will expire on December 31, 1984. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: Contact firm to move heater that <br />blows on top of fire truck in adjacent room, hot water heater <br />not working properly, purchase six barrels for placing debris. <br /> <br />OLD BUSINESS: Letter from Engineer was referred to concerning <br />complaints of October 27th meeting. #1 - manhole in low spot <br />on east side of Pavilion parking lot; request owner of Twin <br />Lakes to adjust it according to engineer specifications; #2 - <br />storm sewer on Shad Avenue - Harvey will take care of placing <br />covers on storm sewer; #3 - additional gravel on portion of <br />Heritage Street west of LaMotte Drive - motion by Wilharber, <br />second by Laska to purchase 15 yards of gravel for same, <br />motion carried. Letter from James McBride, 1759 Peltier <br />Lake Drive was distributed concerning complaint of debris <br />and van in yard and residing in home before occupancy permit <br />has been issued. Request Police to check city park property <br />periodically for kids riding three wheel vehicles in area; <br />ask Dan Tourville if City can house snow plow truck in one of <br />his buildings for winter. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by L'Allier to cancel November <br />24th City Council meeting, motion carried. Next meeting will <br />be December 8th, 7:00 PM. <br /> <br />Fire Chief requested seating capacity of Twin Lakes Pavilion <br />be checked. Consensus was to have all establishments checked. <br />Requested two members of council to be on committee with fire <br />department representatives to work on contract with Lino Lakes <br />for long range fire protection. Council representatives - <br />Charles. Baumann, Jr., Tom Wilharber and Gary Savela. <br /> <br />Motion by Laska, second by L'Allier to pay current claims, <br />motion carried. Clerk amended claims to add council salaries. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Baumann to adjourn meeting, <br />motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. <br /> <br />/, <br /> <br />~/~~spectfUlly submitted, <br />~ Prachar, Clerk <br />