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<br /> <br />Centerville Park Play Days <br /> <br />Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm <br />Ages: 4-7,8-12 <br />Session one: June 9 - July 17 <br />IlIIIlIfl/lIram oIIered IIIe week el .lime 30 - JuI, 4) <br />Session two: July 21 - AugUSI 22 <br />Cost per child per session: $65 <br />Location: Centervllle's LaMone Park <br /> <br />The Chain of lakes YMCA and the city of Centerville are offering children ages 4., Z <br />the opportunity to come and play at Centerville's laMotte Park. There will be 0 <br />variety 01 crafts, games, activi~es, sports and snacks. Par~cipating children will split <br />inlo Iwo age groups ages 4.7 and ages 8.12. There will be lWa 5-week sessions <br />offering opportunities to play! Please come prepared 10 be ac~ve, have fun and <br />cool off the summer sun with some water games I <br /> <br />Centerville Skate Park Program <br /> <br />Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm <br />Ages: 9 - 14 <br />Session one: June g - July 17 <br />Ine program lIIIered IIIe week 01 June 30 - Jul, 4) <br />Session two: July 21 - AUgust 22 <br />Cost per child per sBssion: $65 <br />Location: Centerville's LaMoRe ParklSkale Park <br /> <br />Feel llie freedom of llie wind in your face os you "catch some air" and wheel along <br />on in-line skates or skate boards. At the Skate Park Pragram you can test your <br />abilities of balance, weight ITOnsler and surface maneuvers. The pragram content <br />will focus on SAFffi and how to enjoy sko~ng while avoiding injury. The <br />participants will iearn new and build on previous skills and also have free ~rne at <br />the end to practice and sIiow off any sweet lricks they've acquired. If you are up <br />far mare thrills and skills, toke the challenge up 0 notch and practice a variety of <br />awesome wheel tricks at the park this summer!Helmets will be requirer/far 011 <br />porticiponts. Feel free to bring your own skates or skateboard, helmets, knee'pads, <br />elbow pads and wrist guards. <br /> <br />o Centenllle Park Play Days Ages4-12 AII......n. M-Th9a....-12p.m. SITE c.m.MI.loh\o"P.. fEe OS6S/""hW"';-,,,,,,,,", <br /> <br />o Centervllle Skate Park Program Age. 9 -14 AII..ssion. M-Th 9 a.m.- 12 PO'" SlfEC""M'ln\'olI<~./SIo'Pok moO\6s/,.,hW,""",""oo <br />..9.13 ..1~1lI '-23-27 ..30- 3' Jo 7.11 14-11 2r.1l 23- r U IHS 11-22 2S.29 <br />Session 1 5-week SIlSSIm 0 No PIIl!!IDm J~ne HlIy 17 Session 1 5-ftk ses:;ion 0 Ju~ 21-AuglJSl 22 No progmm <br />{Jfkfilf Offered <br />NoPmgrnm June - 17 ;On 2 5-wee s~on uly21-Augutt 2 NQ'~rom <br />0Itered Offered <br />NoPJOglIlm June9-Ju~17 $ession2 5-weaksesslonD Juiy21-Au{ltril22 ~PmolDm <br />_ oo.~ <br /> <br />How to Register: ~ <br /> <br />1. One child per registrotion IorIO. Please make capies lor additional chiWren, or downlood 0 <br />copy from our websi"'; Registrations will be token umil the <br />Wednesday prior to the week before the session begins. You moy regis"'r alter this do'" <br />with permillion from the Progrom Director; Imwever 0 $20 lote fee wiillre applied. <br />2. Cample"'~ fill out the Registrafton ond Emergency/Health lorm on the bock. Pleose see <br />our Registration/Rnonc~1 Assistonce Policy. <br />3. Make selectrons by checking the fee boxes, session dates ond do~ of the week you w~h <br />to ottend. State, County or third party payments must provide 0 caseworker nome, phone <br />nom,,", and VU# at the time of registrotion. <br />4. Comple'" the forms ond return with the registration fees/deposits or luil payment to: <br />Chain of Lakes YMCA. 7690 Villoge Or.. Una lakes, MN 55014 <br />Phone: 651.795-9622 . Fox; 651.784.1135 <br /> <br />Play Days <br />4-7 <br />..... <br />....e.12 <br />Skate Park Prapam <br />....9-14 <br /> <br />Sessiool <br /> <br /> <br />SessiOll <br /> <br />..... <br /> <br />S. Connrmation will be sent alter receipt of your registration fee/deposit. You will be billed for <br />the remaining bolance, which must be paid by the Monday one week pnor to the stort 01 <br />the session. Non payments will result in can"lIoftan of your child's enrollment. You moy <br />outhonze oatomonc electronic fund tronsfer (EFT) on your registrofton, which will be <br />plOcessed the Monday prior to eow session. <br />6. Chonges to the onginal registration, induding canceilation, must be mode in wriftng by <br />10 a.m. Mondoy, one week prior to tlte stor1 of tlte session. II the change noli" is not <br />received, you will be billed lor the originol enrollment. We encouroge chonge notices to <br />be submitted os soon os possibie. Chonges to enroilment ore dependent upon progrom <br />ovoilobility. ]here are no refunds on registrolian fees or deposits. <br />7. A parent handbook is avoiloble ot alter April 1 , 2008 or it may <br />be picked up at rho broach. Parent s~nature poge from the Imndbook must be turnecJ in <br />pnorto your child's ottendonce. <br />9. There ore no progroms offered on Fndoy, July 4. <br /> <br />For more information (011651-795-9622 <br />