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<br />, <br /> <br />Child's Nome <br /> <br />Chain of Lakes YMCA Summer Programs Emergency & Health Information Fom <br /> <br />Please fill oul co~lelely and rm 10: CIoaIa.f Lakes YM<A . 1690 VUIage Drive . Uno Lakes, MN 55014 . <br />I'l.fA5E USE ONE FORM PfII WIlD AND I'fINT NEAnY. <br /> <br />lhi~'sFirYNume Midd~lnitiol loslNome Birthdot, Gende<OF OM <br />Grode . Foil 1008 Ag, _ 5<1..01 . Full 1008 <br />C~~ resides wilh 0 Moll1er 0 FuIl1er 0 Bolh o Other <br />AIe you 0 YMCA member? 0 Yes (Member I ) ONo <br />II Porent/Guonloo', FiIsI Nume Midd~ lnitiol lost Nume <br />Addre~ Gty 510te Zip <br />Poreot/Guorrlion'sBir1hdot, Gender 0 F 0 M Home Phone ( ) EiIIOil <br />Per"'f/Guorrlion's WIlIk Phone ( C,II Phone ( ) <br />11 Porenf/GrJerdion's FilSt Nome Middiolnffiol Lost Nome <br />Address Oly SIoIe Zip <br />Perenf/Guordiun's Bir1hdot, Gender 0 F 0 M Hom, Phone ( ) E-moil <br />Porent/Guonf.n's WIlIk Phon, ( Coil Phone ( <br /> <br />PIIooe: 651-195-9622 . F.x: 651-184-1135 <br />Dote(~ <br /> <br />EMERGEIICY COIITACTS DO PlCI.UP AUTHORlZATIOII <br />TIoe IoIowlllg peepIe should be loata<ted I. ,"so 01 _......" 0IIIy N pare.. or <br />S....... c..... be reached AND are au.horbed ,. pick ap ... c1ild: <br />1. Nome <br />RoIotio'"~ploc~~ <br />Phone: Iloy L-J Evening L-J <br /> <br />1. Nome <br />R,lolionshiplochi~ <br />Phone: Ooy L-J <br /> <br />Evemng(~ <br /> <br />Fom~y DocIII <br />Phone ( <br />Fo",1yDeofi~ <br />Phone ( ) <br />Do you corry Iom~ medk,l/hospilol insuronce? 0 Yes 0 No <br />(orrie, <br />Policy/Group' <br /> <br />MOIITH. DATE AID YUR OF MOST RECEIIT IMMUIlIZATIOIIS: <br />DPT PoIiu <br />Mer~,s Mumps <br />ROOeIIo HIB <br />T'I000< <br /> <br />IS THE CHILD TAKIIIG AllY MEDIClnOIlS? 0 Yes 0 No <br />H yes, whot ~nd und why: <br /> <br />N.......... _10 be admii....ed dorrirog!he pr"ll..... . MetIcefion Pemission <br />F.... nISI be completed. CaI !he YMCA far ....Iann, or pick ft .... ,.. site. <br /> <br />HAS CHILD HAD AllY OF THE FOUOWlII&. AIID IF SO. po sa... EIPUIII. <br />o Speriol needs <br />OAllergiesorAsthmo <br />ODieIoryreslTicfioo/s <br />OOrOOK or recurring W""'" <br />o Operntioos 01 serio.. i~uries (include dOlO/s) <br /> <br />S_ofcMd'svisioo,heoring,ondspeech <br /> <br />Does your chi~ hov, 0 coromunicob!e diseose 01 condffioo which moy prove 10 be u risk 10 otbers? <br />DYes ONo <br />If yes, ~eose com",,", <br /> <br />SIGIIIFICAIIT IIIFOII_anOIl AlOUT YOUR CHILD'S BEHAVIOR THAT <br />WOULD IE HELPFUL TO IIIOW: <br /> <br />Wli.. oIlW111ty <br />IlII<ielshnIllmllE \'wig Men',OIisIion_oI_Soiot Pwl """'" oo"""",biiyfor~oiesll~.....wl1ich mym""cN~ "",mil or a..Jtolmy physi:.rond1ion N re<lJimII horn I"f1i<ijmion. uny <br />"''''''' progIlI1I OCIMlies NexpeIieoces.1 "flII!IlIt ocInowIedgeoo beldfolmy nioor dill and ",,,11m I a.uroo!he rilkforulf)'md 01 i~oiesund I..... wIi<h "'" ..Jtlrom my..oord1ild's pIIIi<ijoIion in """_ <br />If my child requires use and administration of on epi-pen, it is my responsibility 10 ensure that the epi-pen is on my child or within their pelSOllol belongings everyday 01 !he progrom. If Choin of lokes YMCA or Camp <br />stoff ;s required to administer and use the epi-pen thotl ogree to lorevel release and dischorge the YMCA and ils' direuors, officers, and employees from ony and ollliobility arising oul 01 or resulting from use 01 <br />ndministrU1ian oIlh, epfpen. I hereby reIeuse md dOchoye m, YMCA 10;" .0<1015, oIIm. onpOyeor md........ horn eny md aD ooms for oemls, k1jJries, deo1h,... N ~.tJi<h I N my moor di~ "'" ""'" or 0 re<lJhs <br />0I;mi<ile1ilg."""_ <br /> <br />....../-..... - <br />1. In m, _riKII my di~ needs inrnedil1e mol,. one.... IN injuries ",eiwd while I"ffi<iI<ning in u YMCA PfOIIIOm,l ullllorize!he YMCAstoIfro g.. my dild 0lllllIIdJIe 6rs1 001, and 10 mmnge _ 01 my chld 10 u Ioohh coe <br />'dly (II 'mogen<y sel'lices os needed. <br />1 I ogree 10 m, reioore 01 OIly reclllis n"""'Y lor _, ref..., ~Iing N i""""" jUpOSOS.lIE YMCA ",elves mol.. i1fCllJl1Olioo 00 cempe./jllrlidpools 11m my nmd 10 wim me&cO pnMdeo. <br />3. Myd;ldlmmypenniSlioolobe1nl1lpOCledby1heYMCAloondfromliell. <br />4. I hereby edc""'"'lie IImm, YMCA wI IISllJm'mU1 ei1her porefI1 01 !he chid ""'lick~!hemld U1unyfimeclurilll!he PfOI/OIIIun..1hereispellinen,coort_ onli1eU1lhe YMCA lIm_a_. <br />5. I hereby reIeuse uI jirnJesol my mld 1okoo byll1e YMCA lor promoIiaoo'l'llJ'lS'l mdprogrnmmilll","",,'io:lOOmg!he YMCAwebsiIe. <br /> <br />Per"'t/GuordionS~""""" <br /> <br />Dule_/_/_ <br /> <br />-2- <br />