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<br /> <br />Centenille Park Play Days <br /> <br />Monda, - Thursdar 9:00am - 12:00pm <br />Ages: ,,- 7, 8 - 12 <br />Session one: June 9 - July 17 <br />(no program onered lbe week or June 30 - Jul, 4) <br />Session two: Jul, 21 - August 22 <br />Cost per child per session: $85 <br />Location: Cenlervllle's laMotte Park <br /> <br />The Choln of Lokes YMCA ond the city 01 Cenlerville me offering children oges 4.12 <br />Ihe opportunity III enme ond ploy 01 Cenrerville's LoMolte Pmk. There will be 0 <br />vmiety 01 cmlts, gomes, oclivities, sports ond snocks. Pmticipoting ehildrel\ will split <br />inlo two oge groups oges 4.] ond oges 8.12. There will be two 5.week sessions <br />offering opportunities 10 ploy! Pleose enme prepmed to be oetive, hove lun ond <br />enol off the summer sun with some woler gomes! <br /> <br />Centenille Skate Park Program <br /> <br />Monda, - Thursda, 9am-12Pm <br />Ages: 9 - 1" <br />Session one: June 9 - Jul, 17 <br />(no program oll8l1d lbe week or June 30 - July 4) <br />Session two: Jul, 21 - August 22 <br />Cost per child per session: $65 <br />Location: Cenlervllle's LaMotte ParklSkale Park <br /> <br />Feel the Ireedom 01 the wind in your loce os you "enlch some oir" ond wheel clang <br />on in-line sknres or skole bomds. At the Skole Pork Progrom you enn test your <br />obdities of bolonce, weight lmns!el ond surfoee moneuve~. The progrom content <br />will focus on SAFfIY ond how 10 enjoy skoting while ovoiding injury. The <br />porticiponts willleorn new ond build on previous skills ond olso hove Iree time ot <br />the end 10 proctice ond show off ony sweel Iricks they've oCQuired. If you me up <br />lor more thrills ond skills, IlIke the chollenge up 0 nOlch and proctice 0 variety of <br />awesome wheel tricks 01 the pork this summer! Helmets will be required for 011 <br />pmliciponts. Feel free 10 bring your own skote or skoleboord, helmets, knee-pods, <br />elbow pods and wrist guards. <br /> <br />o Centenille Park Plav Days Ages4-12 Alses5loll. M-1II1-4,.... SIIE CenMmIIo__M fff DS6S/,..dild/porlm_ <br /> <br />o Centervllle Skate Park Program Ages 9-14 AI st...... M-1II9.....-12,.... IllH__1'oI\J'laIo1\I\ mDI6I/,.,Uid/,..I-wooi<_ <br />....13 ..1rr-20 ..23-27 ..., 3" 7.11 14-" 21.25 I W 11-15 1&-22 25-29 <br />Seoml IoMk_ 0 NoProjrnm lr1eHr,I7 Seom2 s...k.... 0 Jul,21-1L9Js172 NoPmt1om <br />0fI00d 00..1 <br />NoPro(Jum.IunB ~ 5fi!I S1!SSiDn 21-.ltob122 HoPmwom <br />00.01 00..1 <br />1m.... 0 NoProjrnm ~M9'JuI,17 S0s<002 l->toi<.... 0 >ly21-1L9Js122 NoPloJom <br />00.01 0Ih00I <br /> <br />How to Register: -+ <br /> <br />1. One child per registrotion fOlm. Please moke copies for odditionol children, or download 0 <br />copy hom our website; Registrulions will be token until the <br />Wednesday pnor to the week before the session begins. You may register nfrer th~ dote <br />with permission ham the Progmm Director; however 0 $20 lote fee will be opplied. <br />2. Completely fill out the Registrution and Emergency/Heolth form on the bock. P~ose see <br />our RegistrotionjFilll1f1ciol Assislance Policy. <br />3. Make selections by checking the fee boxes, ses~on dotes and days of the week you wish <br />tu otrend. Stole, (ounly or third polly poymen1s mllSl provide 0 caseworker nome, phone <br />number and vut ot the time of registrution. <br />4. Complete the forll15 and return with the registrotion fees/deposits or full payment tu: <br />Chain of Lakes YMCA. 7690 V~loge Or.. Uno Lakes, MN 55014 <br />Phone: 651-795.9622. Fox: 651.784.7135 <br /> <br />Play 0.,. <br />H <br />0.,. <br />.... ..12 <br />SUI. Pwil Pnpo <br />",'.1. <br /> <br />Sessm <br /> <br />1oM_ <br /> <br />SooiJnl <br /> <br />5. Confumotion will be sent nfrer leceipt of youl registrotion fuejdeposrt. You wdl be billed lor <br />the remoining bolonce, which must be poid by the Moodey one week pOor tu the sian of <br />the session. Non poymen1s will resu~ in concellulion of your chi~'s enrollment. You may <br />outhon2e outomotic electronic fund tmnsfer (Em on your registllltion, which will be <br />processed the Moodey prior to each session. <br />6. Changes to the original registrution, induding concellulion, must be mode in wnting by <br />10 a.m. Monday, one week pnor to the sian of the session. K the change noliee is not <br />received, you will be billed for the or~inol enmllmen!. We encoumge chonge notices to <br />be submined os soon os possible. Changes to enrollment ore dependent upon progmm <br />nvnilobmly. There ore no refunds on registrution fees or deposits. <br />7. A porent hondbook is ovoilob~ 01 www.YMCATwinCities.orgnfrerApMi 1, 2008 or rt may <br />be picked up 01 the bronch. Porent s~noture poge horn the handbook must be tumed in <br />prior to your child's otrendonce. <br />9. There ore no progmms offered on friday, July 4. <br /> <br />For more informotion call 651-795-9622 <br />