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2008-04-09 CC Packet
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2008-04-09 CC Packet
Entry Properties
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4/4/2008 3:47:53 PM
Creation date
4/4/2008 3:19:31 PM
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<br />Thirdly, current access to our lot is along Westview Street, which essentially is part of the <br />elementary school parking lot. Again, this is not a very viable access point for a <br />developer. Given these concerns, the city council did decide to exclude our residential <br />propcrty from being rezoned as a mixed-use property, What has changed in the last year <br />to make this proposal again when it was already decided to maintain our residential <br />zoning? <br /> <br />We have also noted that the property to the north of us, ovmed by Bill Lalonde, is to be <br />rezoned to mixed-use. We were told that this is because it is a very large lot with a lot of <br />vacant space that could be developed if the current owner decides to sell. Why does this <br />have to be considered as commercial property or high-density homes when it could be <br />developed into residential homes? All of the property adjacent and to the north of this <br />property is single-family dwellings. In other words. why can't the properties that are to <br />the north and east of County Road 14 continue to be zoned, and perhaps developed, as <br />more single-family homes? Given the concerns over very limited access because of the <br />new road being built by the county, we believe that the city council should reconsider this <br />proposal which is currently marked as "Area Coo on the proposed map for 2030. <br /> <br />When we bought our property we were lOned as a residential property. We bad plans to <br />renovale our borne and cbange the existing footprint of the house. If this proposed <br />change is implemented we feel that our hands will be tied. We are currently waiting to <br />make changes to our home because of lhe insecurity and instability created by all of the <br />current changes. proposals, and improvements being taken by the city all at once. lfwe <br />are rezoned to mixed-used any potential we, as well as any new owners. will be faced <br />with being non-conforming and will not be allowed to make any changes to the home. <br />Ko developer will be interested in buying our property unless all of our neighbors also <br />agree to sell. In reality, we see very Iinle, ifany, potential for a developer to be <br />interested in our lot. Therefore we feel that we are being unjustly placed in an unfair and <br />unreasonable situation. <br /> <br />\Vhile we do realize that this new proposal is a long term plan for the next twenty years, <br />we would like to see the city prove that the market can substantiate the current plan <br />which was just enacted before taking on an even bigger proposal. If it can be proved that <br />the City Of Centerville can support all of the commercial and residential growth and <br />development of the existing comprehensive plan over the next five or ten years. we think <br />it would then be reasonable to consider further action. Hut, gIVen the current declining <br />economy and markets, we do believe that a conservative approach to development is <br />warranted over the next few years. <br /> <br />r <br />~' L" <br />',1 ',.". <br />. 1 i ,/ ,-- <br />Smcerely" 'II<:.~L ,J" (~ <br />t'lil .' " '." <br />t'!:"?:JZ' (;UeJr:ti1 <br /> <br />Mark and Wendy ii;ilowski <br />
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