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<br />MEMO TO COUNCIL: <br /> <br />Staff has checked with neighboring communities including, Columbus, Circle Pines, Forest Lake, Hugo, <br />White Bear Lake, Ham Lake, Lino Lakes, Wyoming and Vadnais Heights, and it appears that all have some <br />time on the agenda for public comments on items not on the agenda Many have no fonnal policy. Some of <br />those that do include: <br /> <br />Wvomine <br /> <br />OPEN FORUM: "An opportunity for members of the public to address the City Cauncil on items not an the <br />current agenda. Items requiring Council actian maybe deferred to. staff ar Boards and Cammissions far <br />research and fUture Cauncil Agendas if apprapriate. You will be limited to. two. (2) minutes and we ask that <br />you canduct yourself in a professianal, courteous manner, and refrain from the use af prafanity. Failure to. <br />abide by this policy may result in the lass af your privilege to. speak". <br /> <br />Blaine <br /> <br />OPEN FORUM FOR CITIZEN INPUT - Open Farum is an opportunity far citizens to present an <br />issue ar cancern to. City Council. There is a maximum affifteen minutes set aside far apen forum. Each <br />presentatian shauld be limited to. no. mare than three minutes. If your item needs follaw-up from the City, <br />staff will arrange for that follow-up and will cantact you to. let you know what is being dane. Thank you fOr <br />coming this evening. <br /> <br />Lexineton <br /> <br />ClTlZENS FORUM This is a portian afthe Cauncil meeting where individuals will be allowed to. address <br />the Cauncil an subjects which are nat a part of the meeting agenda. Persans wishing to. speak may be <br />required to camplete a sign-up sheet and give it to. a staff persan at the meeting. The Council may take <br />action or reply at the time of the statement ar may give directian to. stafffar fUture actian based an the <br />concems expressed. <br /> <br />............................................................................. <br /> <br />SUGGESTED POLICY FOR CONSIDERATION: <br /> <br />OPEN FORUM: An opportunity far members af the public to address the City Council on items not on the <br />current agenda. Items requiring Council action maybe deferred to staff ar Boards and Commissians for <br />research and future Council Agendas if appropriate. You will be limited to two (2) minutes and we ask that <br />you couduct yourself in a professianal, courteous manner, and refrain from the use of profanity. Failure to <br />abide by this policy may result in the loss of your privilege to speak. Persons wishing to. speak will be <br />required to complete a sign-up sheet and give it to the mayor or a staff person priar to the start of the <br />meeting. <br /> <br />The Council could place a maximum total time to be allocated tD this item as is the case <br />of Blaine. I suggest that we implement a sign-up sheet so someone knows before they <br />speak what the subject matter is. In the event there is an al1egation of misconduct of an <br />employee, open forum should not be used, rather the matter should referred tD legal <br />counsel for investigation and to ensure we follow the legal process for such issues. <br /> <br />Dallas Larson, City Administrator <br />