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<br />649 <br />650 <br />651 <br />652 <br />653 <br />654 <br />655 <br />656 <br />657 <br />658 <br />659 <br />660 <br />661 <br />662 <br />663 <br />664 <br />665 <br />666 <br />667 <br />668 <br />669 <br />670 <br />671 <br />672 <br />673 <br />674 <br />675 <br />676 <br />677 <br />678 <br />679 <br />680 <br />681 <br />682 <br />683 <br />684 <br />685 <br />686 <br />687 <br />688 <br />689 <br />690 <br />691 <br />692 <br />693 <br />694 <br />695 <br />696 <br />697 <br />698 <br />699 <br />700 <br />701 <br />702 <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />SEPTEMBER 14, 1994 <br />PAGE THIRTEEN <br /> <br />purchase of park land <br />additional information: <br />Dario: AYE - Helmbrecht: <br /> <br />for extension of Central Park pending <br />AYE - Brenner: AYE - Buckbee: AYE- <br />NAY - Wilharber, motion carried. <br /> <br />Vacation and sick Time for Resignating Employees. <br />Mayor Buckbee noted if sick time is granted for one <br />City would have to grant sick time pay for others. <br />would like to follow established policy versus <br />policy. <br /> <br />employee, the <br />Mayor Buckbee <br />setting a new <br /> <br />Council member Brenner noted she would like to see the City pay <br />one half of the accumulated sick pay and suggested that Ordinance <br />#22B be amended. She expressed concern that employees may use <br />sick days unnecessarily. A cash value of the unused sick days <br />may be an incentive to have the employee not call in sick. <br /> <br />Council member Wilharber noted sick time pay is not included in <br />the current ordinance. Many companies do not pay sick time. It <br />appeared to be Council member Wilharber's opinion that <br />accumulated sick pay is like an "insurance policy". Some <br />employees will abuse and others will not. Poor attendance will <br />reflect on an employee's performance. <br /> <br />Motion by Wilharber, second by Dario to continue with the present <br />Ordinance #22B, section 8.01 and deny request for paYment of <br />accumulated sick days for resignating employees, AYE - Buckbee: <br />AYE - Dario: AYE - Wilharber: NAY - Brenner: NAY - Helmbrecht, <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />PETITIONS AND COMPLAINTS: <br /> <br />Cost of Building Permit - Dennis Errickson. <br />The City Council reviewed a letter dated August 19, 1994 from <br />Dennis ErriCkson, 13660 Alamo Street, regarding the cost a <br />building permit. A copy of this letter is attached to and made a <br />part of these minutes. <br /> <br />Motion by Buckbee, second by Wilharber to acknowledge receipt of <br />Dennis Errickson's complaint and that the City Council will take <br />no action regarding the request for a refund, motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Request to be exempt from Flood Plain Reduction Assessment Roll- <br />7098 Brian Drive. <br />The City Council reviewed a <br />received on August 30, 1994 <br />Plain Reduction Assessment <br />attached to and made a part <br /> <br />request from Craig and Christine Ryan <br />regarding an exemption from the Flood <br />Roll. A copy of this letter is <br />of these minutes. <br /> <br />Motion by Buckbee, second by Helmbrecht to table consideration of <br />