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<br />_ Impairing Values or Welfare of Residents: <br />_ the new site of lots 10 & 11 'HOul.d conform to the <br />ordinance <br />_ the west one third of lots 7, 8 & 9 could have <br />restrictions on home size to. con!o~ with residences <br />to the east.. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />I <br />t <br /> <br />Page Three - City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 11, 1986 <br /> <br />(- <br />\ <br /> <br />Mo tiolt 'by ZimnY" second 'by Fri.:tchie to grant' variance request' <br />to separate the west' one third of ~ots'. 7, 8 &: 9- in B~ocic 2- <br />from: ~ots LO & 11.. in B~ock: 2., CentervillEt,. mot:Lon carried. <br />unanimou.sIy ""' <br /> <br />Dis'c:US1rl.nn. an .erabella. x:equest for' variance from: setback: - <br />. re<tui..-a48Ata. !he PJ2nnTng and ~ning crommission. reco1lllll8m1ed. . <br />the Ci.ty aoun~J aIJ.ow a. variance 1:0 Qrdt"anc8" 1/:4-.. S' <br />)4-.01.-% the se1:bacls: o~ "the weat property" una <br />(off Progress Read) of' the: west one 1:lti.rd of' lots; 7',.. a. .. <br />9.. Bl.ock Z in. Cen~e be ca cl.oser than 16 reet ta. 1:nat <br />proper1:7 li.De. Ifhe required stann21!d$ for varianceS. seeat 1: <br />be me~: . <br />_ lb:::i..s'ti..n Special. Ci,rc:ulllS."tes - Thi$ 15 a. sa" Ia1: <br />~ record next: to seve~ other 50" lots wi."ttt. budS <br />em. tBeIL !here is a sewer stulr f.nS"tall.e~ an. ttti.s . <br />jpo"'~_ !his parcel. is sep.z:a.tad. f'.r:ollt ~ y;t.<:l~l..j <br />br -.4..e:r ft,-en.1:'. . <br />_ Literal. ~"t8rpre1:a:t:ion ~ Pravf.sians - Thm:a m:e <br />SO" % 1..50. lots buiI.1: upon. flr cran" <l1:t1ti:' . <br />p:-opertT (IWIlerS nave been, graa.1:ect variances fa. 4'fwrFT ~ <br />c:i-~s. Stri.c1: :fn1:e~1:1an. WQuI.~ ~8"c:L~e 1:tds <br />si 1:& u~eab~e. '!'here is' ~sen1:l3: a home on. PragI:eSB: <br />~ wi.1:h abou1: an eignt :foa1: se1:bac~ . <br />_ Special. Pri.viI.eges - 01:l1ers nave -the righ.1: tD :eques1: <br />a va.rianCe.. rn the- pas1: other pro~~t'i Q~S' <br />baVe received a ! va;rian:c.e.. <br />_ Impair Values or WeLfare:- o:r Rerid.enta - Setback: waul.~ <br />all.ow good vision to. insure aa,fety on batn ffain: Street <br />and Progress: Road.. Ii. ne- home wouJ..ct enhance the <br />value o:r the o.tner homes in the area- <br />Motion by ZimnY,. second by Ra.biscltorr. to: grant the varianc~ <br />to Ordinance 114,. Secuon. )4-..01.-Z req, the. setback: or the <br />west' property ~ine (of:r Progress: Road) o:r the west' one 1:t:tirtt <br />of' ~ots 7,. 8. &. 9, B~oclt: 2. in Centerllle be no closer than <br />16 feet: to that" proper1:y' I..ine, motion carr-i.ed. unanimousl.y.:' <br /> <br />Discussion on Kunt:; request :f'or variance from. setback: <br />requirements' to cons:truct a. one or two ra.m.iJ..Y dwelling.. <br /> <br />The PI.anning and Z'oning Commission! recommended. the: Ci.ty c-ouncU <br />deny the: variance. request: f'or a two familY dwelling due to <br />the size of the lot'.. The- request' did not meat: the: required.. <br />standards for variances.. <br />_ The construction of a t"NO f'amilY dwelling is a resu t- <br />of the petitioners actions, not' speciaL conditions <br />_ Literal interpretation 'Noul~ not' deprive the petLtioner <br />of rights enjoyed 'by others <br />_ This would grant' a SlJeciaJ.. privilege denied to .::lthers <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />_'11 <br />